
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

薰衣草原聲帶 中、英、日、韓四種語言



由宇德敬子所演唱的周華健「忘憂草」的原曲「WA SU RE NA GU SA」目前在台灣尚未正式發行。另一首楊乃文所演唱的「MOON RIVER」是不曾發行過的英文單曲珍藏版。而金祖齡和辛曉琪深情對唱的「THE PRAYER」,更是從未曝光過的私房好歌。給了每一個喜歡聽歌的消費者,一個值得珍藏的好理由。

(translated by neuro)

A Multi-Language Collection of Love Songs
Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean, with three special singles inside

In addition to the three Chinese songs by Ambrose, all others served as background music in this drama.

Whether English, Japanese, or Korean, they were the classic hit love songs across generations. Worth special remark were three pieces hardly available in the market.

The first, WA SU RE NA GU SA by Keiko Utoku, had never been released in Taiwan before.
It was the original version of Carefree Grass by Emil Chou.

Moon River was the first-ever release of this English single by Faith Yang.

Finally, The Prayer by a perfect duo, Johnny King and Winnie Shin, was also on its premiere.

In a word, this soundtrack is something you should never miss, if you really love music.

Monday, August 30, 2004


好歌不寂寞 唱片公司大手筆投資拍攝全新MTV
回饋消費者 加贈「幸福的瞬間」MTV及寫真冊


(translated by neuro)

The Instant of Happiness, the Happiness of Luxurious Bonus

Among the numerous outstanding songs in this soundtrack, we recommend first the finale The Instant of Happiness.
Lyrics by Chung-Yen Wang and music by Chuan-Shiung Chou, it won overwhelming acclaim in audition.
Encouraged by the applause, the Magicstone invited the prize-winning director Chung-Ping Huang for making a brand new MV rather than derived from montages of the drama.
Moreover, they made a romantic photo brochure of Ambrose by courtesy of Huang.
The brochure, together with this MV, will be included in the soundtrack, making it an essential collection of Lavender fans.

Sunday, August 29, 2004


第一男主角許紹洋超注目強力出道 主演主唱「薰衣草」
魔岩唱片 2002年顛覆唱片市場秘密武器 影歌雙棲全面搶攻










(translated by neuro)

Ambrose: A Clarion and Fragrant Debut
He is the secret weapon of Magicstone to sweep the market in 2002

Ambrose Hui, male lead of Lavender and also the singer of its related songs, is a newcomer expected to storm the market in 2002.

As the first ever idol singer of the Magicstone Record Co., Ambrose was highly acclaimed to be the male lead of Lavender and cover all the related songs.

The spotlight had rested on him, even before he ever released his debut personal album.
Born in Hong Kong, cultivated and educated in the United States, Ambrose has an attractive looking and sexy build.

He had served as models for many fashions, and participated in several movies such as Fulltime Killer and Master Q 2001.

Thanks to his father, who is also a musician, he showed a strong interest for music and fell in love with singing since adolescence. This is probably what makes Ambrose special.

The attractive outlooks and personal background made Ambrose the best candidate for the male lead of Lavender. Moreover, he mastered the music besides acting.

The opening theme Fragrance, the finale The Instant of Happiness, and the interlude Love Me, Love Me Not were so brilliantly interpreted by Ambrose without the least greenness of a newcomer.

It is hard to believe that this was Ambrose’s studio debut.

After watching Lavender and listening to its music, however, people will soon find a talented idol star is born, breaking the dogma that an idol does all but singing.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


薰衣草原聲帶: 花香洋溢的幸福 12/2001

細膩雋永超越日韓的精緻偶像劇 深刻動人的電視原聲帶



(translated by neuro)

The Original Soundtrack of Lavender: A Fragrant Happiness 12/2001

A Drama Surpassing Its Asian Contemporaries
A Music Crossing the Boundary of Languages

Co-produced by SET TV and Taiwan TV, Lavender is an unusually delicate idol drama depicting a romantic story of love and promise.

Instead of matching with compatible pop music in most of the TV series, the opening theme and other songs of Lavender were tailor-made by renowned producer Chuan-Shiung Chou.

The soundtrack music was deliberated from more than 100 love songs of various languages, including English, Japanese, and Korean, and only those which fit into the touching and romantic story were selected.
Finally a classic OST is born, an essential selection of love songs crossing the boundaries of countries and languages.

Friday, August 27, 2004

【殺人計畫】/A Plan to Kill


故事描述兩個親如姊妹的中學女生(楊佩潔, 謝欣穎),用漫畫、角色扮演構築出屬於她們的私密世界,但是當其中一方想離去時, 兩人情誼也產生了變化。要保有往日的純粹, 唯一的方法就是阻止她的離去, 不計任何代價, 而衣衫襤褸的遊民(許紹洋)冷眼注視著這一切…

(translated by neuro)

A Plan to Kill

Two high school girls developed an unusually intimate friendship with each other.

They built a secretive world of their own with comic books and role games.
However, their relationship was endangered when one of them wished to leave.
The only way to save it is to stop her, at all prices.
And they were all in the eyes of a wordless vagabond (Ambrose Hui)…

Thursday, August 26, 2004


許紹洋、林心如談情說愛不來電 03/02/2003

林心如和許紹洋在大陸廣州的一個國小操場上公然牽手談戀愛?這到底是怎麼回事?原來兩人為大陸運動鞋代言拍廣告,劇情不但要他們談情說愛,還要他們和七、八十人共跳街舞,只可惜氣氛這麼好,兩人還是擦不出火花。 因偶像劇「薰衣草」一炮而紅打入內地,許紹洋在內地人氣漸旺,這次應內地廠牌之邀,與玉女林心如聯手代言,為運動鞋拍廣告。







(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Ruby Danced into A Romance 03/2003

Witnessed hand in hand at one elementary school in Guangzhou, China, Ruby Lin and Ambrose Hui fell for each other? Wait a minute.

They were just shooting a CF of sneakers.

In addition to the romantic plot, they will have to dance on the street with more than 70 people. The condition should be optimal. However, there is still no chemistry between them.
With his rising popularity in China after the TV series Lavender, Ambrose was invited by a China brand to collaborate with Ruby for their sneaker CF.

This was the first time they cooperated with each other.
In this CF they were made to be a couple.
The romantic episode began with the gorgeous Ambrose dancing brilliantly on a plaza with 70 or 80 fellow dancers. During dancing he happened to notice Ruby, a beautiful but silent girl at the corner.

Ambrose fell for Ruby and invited her to dance with them.
The romantic CF developed such that they were a nice couple.
Under the scene, however, they managed to sit apart without much conversation.
This was a strong contrast to Lavender, when Ambrose and Tammy Chen had a lot of interaction.
It was said in the CF company that Ambrose and Ruby had discontent for each other.

Irene Hsu, the manager of Ambrose, explained that there was absolutely no discontent between them.
She said that Ambrose is introspective and not good at chatting with others actively.
Ruby looked tired during the shooting, so they had did not talk to each other.

With the rocketing popularity of Lavender in China, Ambrose and Tammy are now the new idols for the young generation.
They had been to Guangzhou several times for promotion.
Ambrose was soon invited by a Chinese producer to shoot the TV series Streetlamp.

This year he will spend half of his time in China.
Now he is shooting the TV series Dolphin Bay Lovers for SET TV.
Ambrose will fly to China in May for promoting Streetlamp and his CF.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Racing at the Birthday Party OCT/2002

許紹洋、柯以柔大車拚 10/2002

許紹洋和小師妹「水果妹」柯以柔,同是10 月出生的天秤座,經紀公司「最佳娛樂」乾脆選在昨天為兩人一同慶生,由他們自行決定慶生方式。結果兩人竟選在賽車場,和歌迷進行一場友誼賽,許紹洋也以全副武裝,專業賽車手的裝扮出現,柯以柔則打扮成賽車女郎模樣。

許紹洋非常愛賽車,他曾揚言,只要演藝事業穩定發展,他要像林志穎看齊,參加正式賽車比賽。在慶生活動上他並透露,為了犒賞1年來的辛苦,經紀公司送他一個生日大禮,就是讓他放半月的大假回美國,好讓他能在 17 日生日當天,與親愛的祖母一起歡度。



(translated by neuro)

Racing at the Birthday Party 10/2002

Ambrose Hui and his colleague Chris Ko are both Libra by zodiac.

Their management company held a birthday party for them in October, and told them to decide which kind of party they wanted.

Surprisingly, both chose to celebrate their birthdays by racing with their fans! Ambrose put on his professional racing dress, while Chris dressed herself as an F1 girl.

Ambrose loved car racing very much. He once said that he would participate in formal racing once his career was stable.

At the party he announced that the management company gave him a two-week vacation as a gift for his hard working in the past one year.

He will return to America to celebrate birthday with his grandmother.
But on adding that he will also bring 20000 USD to his “concubine”, all his fans nearly passed out.
He then explained that the concubine was actually a Mitsubishi racing car.
The engine was broken, and he couldn’t find the parts to fix it because he bought the car long time ago.
However, he would try all he can to treat it, no matter how much it will cost him.

Ambrose’s new album had a good sale and there are numerous works in progress for dramas and music.
He plans to release his second album in next spring (2003).
Meanwhile, there are three dramas under discussion by his company.
The year of 2003 will surely be a busy one for Ambrose.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


藝人許紹洋張燊悅孤島拍戲兩週還是不來電 07/2002


結合台、港新生代偶像的「秋天日記」,號稱浪漫電影「流氓大亨」後傳。他笑說:“那是很久的電影了,我有看過,雖說我拍著的這部電影是延續篇,但絕對不能與周潤發相比。我們只要演好自己的部份,盡了力就好。” 許紹洋表示,當初知道要和張燊悅合作時,心情很緊張,因為聽說她很跩,但見到面後,發現張燊悅其實很可愛、率真。張燊悅表示許紹洋笑起來很可愛,但在戲裡他是飾演一位很酷的男孩。有趣的是, 在戲中許紹洋常常罵張燊悅, 但是下戲後反而是因為許紹洋喜歡花錢亂買東西, 而常常挨張燊悅的罵, 兩個人成了愛吵架的好朋友。

一聽到張燊悅用「親密」字眼,近來深受緋聞影響的許紹洋立刻笑說「會不會明天我們又被傳緋聞?」對於媒體指稱許紹洋想追回在「薰衣草」中合作過的陳怡蓉,而陳怡蓉方面感到很生氣,對此報導,許紹洋說「氣到吃不下飯」。 後來他和陳怡蓉說清楚講明白,因為報導內容是傳達上的失誤,兩人仍然是朋友,他回台灣後,也會與陳怡蓉繼續進行廣告代言的工作。

(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Nicola: No Chemistry Beyond the Diary 07/2002

An Autumn Diary, the first movie-made-for-TV by Star Group, was finished shooting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In a phone interview by Taiwanese media, both leading actors Ambrose Hui and Nicola Cheung said there was no love chemistry between them, even though they were together on a small island for two weeks. However, they had become good friends with each other.

Led by new idol stars of Taiwan and Hong Kong, An Autumn Diary is a tribute to the classic romance An Autumn’s Tale.

“I had watched it before, but I don’t think I can rival Chow Yun Fat. What I have to do is to try my best.”
Ambrose said he was very nervous when he knew he had to work with Nicola, because Nicola was said to be proud and nasty.

Nevertheless, he found she was actually cute and forthright.
Nicola said that Ambrose had a cherubic smile, but he was very cool in the movie. In this movie Ambrose denigrated Nicola very often.
When they did not shoot the movie, it was reversed: Nicola reprobated Ambrose for his lavish habits. They became friends in squabbles.

Nicola said that they were very “intimate” on the small island for shooting this movie. However, there was no chemistry.

On hearing about her description, Ambrose, who was so troubled with the rumors, joked, “Will there be any rumors about us tomorrow?”

Some reports said that Tammy Chen (Lavender) was furious when Ambrose announced that he wished to win her back.
Ambrose said, “As for these reports, I am too angry to eat anything!”

He clarified later with Tammy that there were some misunderstandings in the interview.
They are still friends and would collaborate further in a CF for an online game after he comes back to Taiwan.

Monday, August 23, 2004


他為她整髮, 她拉他合照…許紹洋 陳怡蓉 和好啦 02/2003

俗話說「冤家宜解不宜結」, 這句話用在許紹洋和陳怡蓉這對互有心結的螢幕情侶身上再適合不過!

半年來兩人始終擦身而過, 儘管這幾天兩度在機場巧遇也無話可說, 昨日兩人同為電玩代言, 終於有機會再聚首, 兩人在後台聊天時, 許紹洋不自覺地用手幫陳怡蓉順了一下頭髮, 陳怡蓉也沒有迴避, 陳怡蓉應媒體要求前去拍照時, 也不忘順手拉許紹洋一道, 看來兩人似乎已經盡釋前嫌。

前年一齣偶像劇「薰衣草」, 許紹洋和陳怡蓉的生死戀讓fans回味無窮, 兩人成了登對的螢幕情侶, 拍戲時也爆出兩人若有似無的情愫, 惹出緋聞話題。

去年六月, 許紹洋在一場記者會上, 果真自曝與陳怡蓉曾經來電, 互有好感並且交往, 不過卻遭陳怡蓉翻臉否認, 表明兩人只是朋友, 陳怡蓉的經紀人還氣得跳腳大罵許紹洋炒新聞。

螢幕情侶從此埋下心結, 分道揚鑣, 雙方都不希望再和對方的名字扯在一起, 連號稱「薰衣草」的續集「花香番外篇」, 兩人都不再合作, 從此形同陌路。

但「新台幣」終究把兩人再度牽在一起, 去年八月兩人為電玩遊戲拍攝廣告再扮情人後, 至今半年兩人未再見面, 這段期間宣傳活動屢屢發生王不見后的尷尬狀況, 有陳就沒許, 有許就沒陳, 心結之說更加甚囂塵上。

正所謂「山水有相逢」, 五天內兩人竟碰到三次, 本月十九日許紹洋正要離開廣州, 陳怡蓉則要去廣州, 兩人就這樣在廣州機場巧遇, 更巧的是, 兩天後兩人二度在香港機場巧遇, 只不過雙方都忙著趕飛機, 只匆匆打個招呼。

直到昨天兩人才有機會好好地聊, 互問對方近況, 陳怡蓉還特別強調: 「很好啊! 我們沒有不和!」且故意伸手和許紹洋握手, 許紹洋忍不住笑出來, 拍了一下陳怡蓉的手說: 「又沒怎樣啦!」友情似乎又恢復了。
雖然兩人誤會盡釋, 不過再度合作演情侶卻是機會渺茫, 「薰衣草」導演劉俊傑下一齣戲「星願」雖然找回老搭檔陳怡蓉出任女主角, 但這次和她譜戀曲的人將換成張天霖。

(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Tammy Resumed Their Friendship 02/2003

Ever since the rumors that they were once lovers, Ambrose Hui and Tammy Chen hardly showed up in the same circumstance in the past 6 months.

There remained no interaction even though they happened to meet in the airports twice during the past one week.

Yesterday when they collaborated for promotion of the online game RO in Taipei Game Show, however, they seemed to resume their friendship.

In the backstage, Ambrose helped Tammy with her hair, and Tammy walked hand in hand with Ambrose for photography by the media.

Fans were so crazy and intoxicated by their affectionate romance in idol drama Lavender that Ambrose and Tammy were considered the perfect couple on screen.

During shooting of this TV series, their intrigue friendship brought about rumors on their love affairs.

It was reported that in one press conference last June, Ambrose admitted their fondness of each other and they had once dated.

Nevertheless, it was denied fiercely by Tammy; she emphasized that Ambrose was just her friend. The manager of Tammy also accused Ambrose of spreading the rumors, while Ambrose defended that they misunderstood what he meant.

There began their discontent for each other. In Lavender Special, which was said to succeed Lavender, the female lead was Rainie Yang rather than Tammy.

They collaborated in last August for an online game, and again they were lovers in this CF. However, when attending promotion activities, they didn’t always show up together.

This exacerbated the rumors on their discontent.

Surprisingly, after being apart for almost half a year, they met three times recently during one week.

Ambrose left Guangzhou on Feb 19 while Tammy arrived, and they met in the airport.
Two days later they met again in Hong Kong airport. They did not have a good chat, however, due to the tight flight schedule.

It was not until the Taipei Game Show did they have chance to talk.

Tammy emphasized, “We are fine! No discontent at all!” She deliberately shook hands with Ambrose.
Ambrose burst into laughter and tapped off her hand, saying, “Why shaking hands since there is no discontent?” It seemed that their friendship revived.

Although the misunderstanding was gone, there was few chance for them to have romance on screen again.

In the next TV series by the director of Lavender Liou, Wishing on the Stars, Tammy will have her love story with Tien-Lin Chang rather than Ambrose.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


薰衣草收視告捷 原聲帶全省嚴重缺貨 01/2002





(translated by neuro)

Give Me Lavender!
With the success of the TV drama, its original soundtrack was completely out of stock

The success of TV series Lavender brought Ambrose Hui, a newcomer from Hong Kong to Taiwan, a fame he never enjoyed before.

He gained rocketing popularity with more and more fans.
The original soundtrack had become a hit album with escalating TV rating of Lavender, to the extent that almost all record stores were out of stock.
Furious fans denigrated the Magicstone Record Co. on internet for being unable to get this OST.

The Magicstone Record Co. had promised to speed up the production.
Ambrose also comforted his fans to wait patiently.
He will go to Taichung and Kaohsiung on Jan 12 with Chris I-Roe Ko for two autograph and concert activities.

Ambrose admitted that it was rather exhausting to shoot the TV day after night. However, when he learned that the TV rating was high and kept rising, he couldn’t help dancing like a school boy with good scores in a quiz.

He even phoned his family and friends for this good news.
Hearing that the OST was out of stock, he went to the record stores for confirmation during the leisure time of shooting.
He called his staffs, anxiously yet full of excitement, “Yeh! It’s true that I cannot find it in several stores! Really out of stock, and not lying to me!” Like the head of workers, Ambrose urged the staffs himself to speed up production and not to keep his fans waiting.

The first limited edition of OST with Ambrose’s photo brochure as a bonus had been completely sold out.
The record company insisted no further reprints.
The handsome looking and sexy chest of Ambrose will appear on the cover of the new edition, with four delicate postcards as a bonus.

This is certainly to be hot among his fans.
In addition to the popularity of Lavender and its OST, it made Ambrose rather delighted that he finally had his own official website.

Joking that he was homeless on the net, now Ambrose had his residence.
Before the establishment of this web site, he had to wander between the websites of Taiwan TV and SET TV, and he felt indebted to his fans.
At last all the staffs in his company collaborated to establish an official website for him where he could keep in constant touch with his fans. This was also an accolade for his arduous yet outstanding work in drama and music.

Saturday, August 21, 2004


許紹洋張燊悅邦咯島譜戀曲 07/2002




對於大馬,許紹洋說:“來馬前,我並沒有聽過邦咯島這地方,我覺得邦咯島是一個很棒的小島,很舒服。可惜我們的拍攝行程很緊湊,每天至少拍12至15小時,吃飯時間只有15分鐘左右。”許紹洋還提到一件有趣的事: 有次他把一包泡麵放在窗戶邊上, 後來聽到悉悉簌簌的聲音, 跑過去一看, 竟然是一隻小猴子把泡麵偷走了!


(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Nicola Have Their Romance in Pangkor, Malaysia 07/2002

Shot in the picturesque Pangkor Island in Malaysia, An Autumn Diary is a romantic comedy led by idol stars.

This weekend the scene was about Nicola Cheung chasing a dog.
Nicola wore her helmet, chasing the dog all around for many times.

In the interview by local media, Ambrose Hui said that he had stayed in Malaysia for one week shooting this movie. He will leave on July 9th and come back for it on 14th.

Pangkor Island was the main scene of An Autumn Diary.

When Ambrose comes back next time, the crew will move to Malacca for further making.
Ambrose said he did not know this island before. “I think it is fantastic, very relaxing.

Unfortunately we have such a tight schedule, shooting 12 to 15 hours a day, and only 15 minutes for lunch or dinner.” He mentioned one interesting episode. Once he put a pack of instant noodles beside the window. He heard some noise, and found the noodles stolen by a baby monkey!

An Autumn Diary is a romantic movie made for TV. Ambrose is the boss of a resort villa.
He has a wealthy girlfriend, but falls into a love triangle when he meets Nicola.
Finally he chooses Nicola as his lover.

Friday, August 20, 2004


相戀海豚灣 02/2003

千呼萬喚,三立偶像劇「海豚灣戀人」卡司終於敲定,演員陣容可說是「薰衣草」和「 MVP 情人」大融合,除了新加入的孫耀威、徐婕兒外,許紹洋、張韶涵、林韋君都是和三立合作愉快的新生代。

三立自製偶像劇揚威海外,「薰衣草」、「 MVP 情人」版權費和周邊商品賣得嚇嚇叫,因此,接下來的「海豚灣戀人」如何超越,讓一手催生的副總蘇麗媚和製作人陳玉珊傷透腦筋。
陳玉珊說,光是故事大綱,就修過 3 次,劇本更重寫 8 次之多,每周末她和副總都加班,總算在農曆年前弄出 4 集劇本,年後就會開拍,這次蘇麗媚將親自分場執行。



(translated by neuro)

Lovers at the Dolphin Bay 02/2003

After a long time waiting, SET TV finally cast its coming idol drama Dolphin Bay Lovers.

It could be viewed as a blend of Lavender and MVP Valentine.
In addition to Eric Sun and Jill Hsu, Ambrose Hui, Angela Chang and Penny Lin are all favorite new stars for SET TV.

Idol dramas produced by SET TV were extremely welcome overseas.
The copyrights and related products of Lavender and MVP Valentine reached a stunning sale record.
Therefore, executive deputy general manager Li-Mei Su and producer Yu-Shan Chen strained to make Dolphin Bay Lovers more successful.
According to Chen, the outlines were revised for three times and scripts for 8 times.
Su and Chen worked through every weekend and, fortunately, they got scripts for 4 episodes.

The shooting will start after the Chinese New Year (2003), and all the scenes will be determined by Su.
Su was excited on talking about Dolphin Bay Lovers. She even bought a dolphin atlas as a detailed reference.

She also visited Peng-Hu several times to search for suitable scenes.
Yesterday she announced happily that she finally got what she wanted.
“It is in Gi-Bay Island, so beautiful and like a dolphin!” In addition to this island, the major scene spot will be a TV station, the new SET TV building in Nei-Hu, also nicknamed “Fuji TV of Taiwan.”

There has been a great delay for casting the major leads, especially the actors.
From the start SET TV set their eyes on Hong Kong actors, from Benny Chan to Stephen Fung.

Finally they chose Eric Sun for this general manager of TV station.
Ambrose extended his character in Lavender to a creative music director-in-general at the same company.
Both of them fell in love with Angela Chang, a young singer from Dolphin Bay.

Penny Lin will be the manager of programming, and Jill Hsu is the super diva in Asia.
SET TV will tailor-make music for Angela, who is going to release her new album.

Thursday, August 19, 2004


陳怡蓉許紹洋選擇性失憶 08/2002



(translated by neuro)

RO: Selective Amnesia for Ambrose and Tammy 08/2002

Online game RO has been marketed recently, reaching the record of more than 24,000 players online at the same time, after merely 5 days. Rumored to be lovers, the CF stars Tammy Chen and Ambrose Hui clarified that they were friends.

As for some reports that they had no conversation during making, Tammy explained, “We were both tired after making dramas in China.
For the unpleasant memory I am selectively amnesic. Now I have only happy memory for Ambrose.”

But they were frank about the embarrassment after the rumors.
Ambrose said he didn’t care about those reports, and Tammy was still his good friend.

Tammy explained that they did not talk during the shooting, because she was too exhausted. She had forgotten the unpleasant part of their friendship, and now the remaining memory was sweet, and they could still be friends.

She said she did not want to have an underground romance.
She preferred walking on the street, hand in hand, and going to the movie.
Her manager reminded that she had better have a boyfriend under the prerequisite of marriage.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

線上遊戲邀代言 鏡頭唯美

許紹洋 陳怡蓉續前緣 08/2002

線上遊戲邀代言 鏡頭唯美


線上遊戲廠商砸大錢邀請藝人拍廣告,許紹洋、陳怡蓉因演出「薰衣草」被廠商相中,「智冠科技」董事長王俊博夫婦也是許紹洋和陳怡蓉的影迷, 決定以百萬以上的酬勞, 邀請兩人在廣告中再續情緣。




(translated by neuro)

The Love Goes On
Ambrose and Tammy Had A Romance in a CF for Online Game 08/2002

The best couple of TV lovers Ambrose Hui and Tammy Chen collaborated again after Lavender.

In the CF for online game RO, they were Lovers Day after Night.
This CF will be directed by Hwa-Leng Chien, the director of Jay’s William Chateau, and is ready to be another idol romance for CF.

Online game enterprises cast a big budget inviting pop stars for making CF.
Highly acclaimed in Lavender, Ambrose Hui and Tammy Chen were chosen by Soft-World International Corp. for their new CF.

Both the president of Soft-World International Corp.Wang and his wife were fans of Lavender.
They paid more than one million NT dollars inviting Ambrose and Tammy for continuing their love story on screen.

The CF, Lovers Day after Night for the online game RO, depicted the story of two cursed lovers.
Ambrose was a statue in the day, standing in Tammy’s garden; he turned into life only after sunset. Tammy could do nothing but seeing this statue silently, while in the night she became a portrait, and they could never meet each other.

This romantic story line can only be expressed by the emotional delicacy of Ambrose and Tammy.
Fortunately they had a nice collaboration in Lavender, and it minimized the difficulty shooting this CF. Due to the meticulous demand by the director, however, they had to work from 7 AM to 4:30 AM next day, which made them exhausted.

The game company had spent over 10 million NT dollars for advertising this CF, buying more than 100 golden time sessions in cable TV.

The love story of Ambrose and Tammy will continue on screen very soon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

許紹洋 委屈得莫名其妙

許紹洋 委屈得莫名其妙 06/2002

F4、陳怡蓉、WEWE 都在榜內,奪冠者則是許紹洋。



除了走紅程度讓網友討論外,許紹洋大膽演出的MV「鬍渣」也因為太過激情,遭大部份媒體禁播,所以心情有些低落。目前這支MV在CHANNEL V列為保護級,只有深夜時段才能播出。



(translated by neuro)

Hot Ambrose: Don’t Know Why 06/2002

Which artists were famous and hot without reasons?
Voted over internet, these were F4, Tammy Chen, and WEWE, with Ambrose Hui taking the champion.

Ambrose was rather depressed to get this championship. He said, “Nobody knows my hard work and endeavors when I shot Lavender last year.

Why they said I am famous without a single reason?”
Irene Hsu, the assistant manager of Best Entertainment Agency, to which Ambrose belongs, said it was rather intriguing.

“Yuki Hsu and Jolin Tsai got the same harsh criticism over internet at their debut. At least Ambrose had brought attention to his dramas and music.

This is why he was on the list. And those on the list are really hot, such as WEWE and F4.
This means he is indeed famous.” She concluded.

Ambrose became a super idol for young girls after Lavender.
When he stayed in the make-up room in campus concert, all the girl students gathered at the door, peeping him into the slit when the door was open.
Then they screamed with excitement, “Oh…Handsome! Sexy! So cool!” The staffs also admired his unusually high-charge power to electrify his fans.

Besides his rocketing fame that brought him internet gossips, his MV of Beard also caused quite a stir due to its sexual intention. Ambrose was disappointed by the ban on release of this MV.

Now it is classified as protection level on Channel [V], and can only be played late in the night.

His fans thought it was sexy rather than sexual or erotic. They protested violently that all the channels show Kylie Minogue’s MV in day hours, while unreasonably ban that of Ambrose.
The Rock Music Group prepared a special version without pictures for playing in daytime.

They also produced 30000 copies of the complete VCD, and quickly delivered them into the record stores.
You can have it if you buy Ambrose’s new album.

Monday, August 16, 2004


花香番外篇新聞 07/23/2002

偶像劇「薰衣草」女主角去世後,Leo 是怎麼度過他往後的日子?



(translated by neuro)

The Lavender Blossoms Again 07/23/2002

How had LEO been after Yi-Shun’s death in TV drama Lavender?

All the fans are dying to know.
In a pop drama produced by Rock Music Group, Lavender Special, they may find some consolation.

Although the female lead is no more Tammy Chen, but Rainie Yang, who had been showing in several TV series, won high acclaim by RMG and Ambrose.

After gaining rocketing popularity because of Lavender, Ambrose could not be busier with his personal album and movie-for-the TV by Star Group, An Autumn Diary.
What follow are promotions for his album in Singapore and China.
As a result, RMG managed to milk all his available energy and time to shoot Lavender Special.

They began filming from early morning, non-stop, to the evening on next day.
And most were outdoor shootings. Ambrose and Rainie suffered a lot from the sunburns.
The staffs performed some traditional therapeutics for them during rest time lest they should faint on heat stroke.
Under the hot weather, Ambrose did not have enough sleep, got sunburns at the seashore, hurt his waist and knees when falling at Ye-Liou.
He did everything to meet his fans’ expectations.
To prevent from what like rumors in Lavender, Ambrose and Rainie had to be cautious even when taking pictures together.

The Lavender Special went that two years later, LEO had a romance related to lavender after he met a girl thief Xiao-Xiao (Rainie).
Although Tammy Chen would not participate in this series, the child stars of LEO and Yi-Shun should revive again. Moreover, manager Peter and Wanfang, a famous singer, will also be in the cast.

Sunday, August 15, 2004


許紹洋西安刮起旋風 數千歌迷圍追偶像 08/30/2002




記者險被人群沖倒 雖然知道《薰衣草》在年輕人心目中很被看好,但由於許紹洋畢竟是一個新人,成名前也鮮為人知,所以大多數西安的娛記們以為,此次許紹洋的西安之行會遇到癡心歌迷、影迷,但應該不會造成太大的轟動效應。但昨天,當記者按照預定時間前往許紹洋簽名售帶的地方,準備稍後做他的個人專訪時,遠遠地就看到:長長的隊伍從大廳裏排到街面上,清一色全部是中學生模樣的歌迷,而且以女生為主。幾位外國旅遊者看到這架勢,乾脆拿出相機拍了起來,記者問他們見過這種場面嗎,一位美國女遊客告訴記者,其實美國的年輕人也喜歡追星,和中國的孩子完全一樣,她還很好奇地問記者:“今天來的是什麼大明星?”




許紹洋解析何謂偶像 記者從這次活動的主辦方陝西電視臺處瞭解到,這次他們邀請許紹洋到西安開歌友會,也是有所準備的:“我們作為主辦方是有準備的,許紹洋到上海的時候,就是因為現場太混亂無法控制,才臨時取消簽售活動。在重慶、成都等地他也很受歡迎。





(translated by neuro)

A Storm in Xi-An Named Ambrose 08/30/2002

Who? Ambrose? Oh… That guy in the hit Taiwanese TV drama Lavender?
Yes, Ambrose is superstar LEO, long-haired, leather-dressed, and outrageous.  

From Shanghai, Chungchin, Chengdu, and now Xi-An is ready to show Ambrose how large a crowd was there for him.

Nearly 3000 fans gathered at the record store, circling him around.
High school girls spent hundreds of dollars to buy his CD--- 10 more copies of the same album.

After the activity they stayed rather than left, begging reporters with tears for telling them which hotel Ambrose lived in. For local fans, who had been so accustomed to seeing movie stars, this storm was indeed unusual. Reporters were also afraid that the activity might be out of control.

Fortunately it ran smoothly under the comprehensive arrangement of the host agency.

A Flood

Ambrose was a newcomer and rarely known before any way, although Lavender was extremely popular here in Xi-An.
Most of the local entertainment reporters thought there should be some intoxicated fans, but far from causing a stir.

Yesterday when we arrived at the record store where Ambrose would hold his activity, and was preparing for a personal interview later, however, we were all stunned.
A long queue extended out of the lobby to the road, all high school students, and most of them, girls.

Several foreign tourists began to take pictures of this scene.
When I asked them if they had ever seen this in their countries, one American lady replied that American teenagers loved to chase stars just as Chinese students did.
“Who is the superstar to come today?” She asked curiously.   

We squeezed ourselves into the lobby, only to find fans flooding everywhere inside.
I can say with confidence that we had not seen such a scene for a long time.
All the reporters could only wait next to the stage where Ambrose will sign for his fans.
Fans never stopped screaming his names and waving his pictures. Finally, around 2:30 PM, Ambrose walked out of the elevator.
The police failed to control the excited fans.
Thousands of fans rushed to where we stood.
“Oh my God…” We were almost fallen by the huge crowd.
Fortunately some friends managed to save us out of this flood. The situation was finally brought under control with increasing police.

An Idol

The host agency, Shang-Xi TV Station, told us they were well prepared for Ambrose to come. “In Shanghai, Ambrose caused such a chaos that his activity was forced to cancel.
He was also extremely welcome in Chungchin and Chengdu. So we are already prepared.
” With such popularity, Ambrose is ready to be a good rival of F4.
Then, how much did he cost? According to one manager at the TV station, the price for inviting Ambrose was rather reasonable as a newcomer.
It was anything but that of superstar.
In the personal interview, Ambrose also told us that he didn’t think there was anything special as an idol.

“Idol is just a term. For example, you can call Andy Lau or Jacky Cheung idol singers or real singers.
They have so many fans any way.
It doesn’t matter by which term they are classified. It counts what their fans think of them.”

Although Ambrose was too humble to call himself an idol, he was an idol by the phenomena he brought about.
Fans waited here for him from early morning. At 2:30 PM, protected by the police, Ambrose penetrated through the crowd to begin his activity.
He didn’t show up in the press conference even it had been sometime past 4:00 PM.

His staffs told us he was tired and had to have some make-up. At 4:30 PM, finishing interviews by printing media in a short time, he was in another room for more interviews by radio and TV reporters.
His staffs joked that he had already been frightened by those excited and crazy fans.

At 5:00 PM, another crowd gathered at the gate of the record store.
“When will he come out?” “Where does he live?” “What did he say to you reporters?”
They kept asking. Today, Ambrose will show up, formally, in his fans activity here. And no one dares to forecast how big this storm will be.

Saturday, August 14, 2004


Ambrose 許紹洋MTV處女秀 拈花惹草 只落的灰頭土臉 深情高唱“幸福的瞬間” 只為心儀的導演 精心裝扮全無用武之地






這支“幸福的瞬間”MTV,畫面唯美浪漫,內容敘述許紹洋浪跡天涯多年回國來尋回往日戀情的回憶。夾雜黑白和彩色畫面,以黑白畫面比喻男主角目前心無所依的心境,彩色則代表對逝去戀情的追憶,內容堪稱是電視劇“薰衣草”的續篇,到底最後MTV男女主角結局是終成眷屬還是相隔兩地,導演在MTV 裡還特地留伏筆,不肯透漏太多情節。工作人員對MTV的結局也跟猜半天,連Ambrose也跟著賣關子神秘兮兮地說:「想知道MTV結局看電視劇“薰衣草”就知有沒有囉!」

(translated by neuro)

MTV Debut of Ambrose: Happy, Romantic, yet Dirty 12/2001

Ambrose Hui, a newcomer singer in Taiwan, played as a gardener in the MTV The Instant of Happiness for the TV series Lavender.

Under the raid of mosquitoes and chilly cold weather, he made a romantic story with the female lead in the MTV, winning him high acclaim from all the crew and staffs.

The most challenging part, however, was not the kiss scene with an actress he was not acquainted with.
It turned out to be matching mouth without actual singing. During the rest time Ambrose said to the staffs, “I never know it is so difficult!” Not knowing much about Chinese proverbs, he then added, “But now I know what you mean by A Cow’s Head Cannot Match A Horse’s Mouth in Chinese!” Man…nearly all the staffs fainted on hearing his interpretation.

The MTV was shot in the greenhouse of the Department of Gardening, National Taiwan University.
Ambrose had a romance in the greenhouse.
It was just that there were mosquitoes everywhere.
After one day’s hard work, Ambrose was badly bitten all over his face and body.
Unlike other staffs, who used balm to prevent insect bites, Ambrose concentrated absolutely on every detail of the making regardless of the itching and discomfort.

He fully obeyed the director’s instruction, even though he may not look handsome and tidy with all the dust and dirt.
It has been his dream to collaborate with the director of this MTV, the one who he had been admiring for a long time.

Specially invited by Magicstone Record Co. for shooting the MTV of The Instant of Happiness, Chung-Ping Huang was the director that Ambrose admired most.
He was even too excited to sleep for this collaboration, being anticipating yet nervous.
Before coming to Taiwan as a singer, Ambrose had known Huang’s name well.
He always sang Huang’s MV then, and pretended himself as the protagonist in it.
To collaborate with Huang was one of Ambrose’s dreams, and now this dream came true.
During the shooting, Huang gave Ambrose high acclaim for his attention and dedication, making him more than pleased.

Ambrose was good at dressing himself, including all that needed in the dramas.
For perfection he always prepared more than necessary for extra requirements.
To shoot this MTV, Ambrose had to get up at 4 AM and go for styling at the scene.
According to the staffs, they saw a man carrying heavy luggage near the lane where Ambrose lived, rushing to every car passing by.
They were afraid that was some homeless, when it was still dark.

However, it turned out to be Ambrose, with all the dresses he prepared for this MTV.
In fact, he sacrificed his sleep after finishing shooting the drama at 1 AM.
Unfortunately, director Huang told him to put on gardening gear and rubber boots without changing for nearly 10 hours.

Finally there was no chance for him to be cool and gorgeous. Ambrose had no choice but carrying all luggage home, and it was funny for the staffs to see his embarrassment.
The MTV of The Instant of Happiness was beautiful and romantic, depicting Ambrose searching for his love after years overseas.

There were both colored and gray scales: the latter for Ambrose’s solitude, and the former for his passing story.
It could be viewed as extension of Lavender. Not telling the details, the director made it ambiguous whether there was a happy ending or not. Even the staffs could not make a final conclusion.

As for Ambrose, he tried to make it a charade: “Just go and see Lavender, and you will get the answer.”

Friday, August 13, 2004

許紹洋 火力踢街燈

薰衣草 內地飄香 許紹洋 火力踢街燈 11/2002



(translated by neuro)

Lavender Flourished in China, and Ambrose Powered the Light On 11/2002

Taiwanese TV series Lavender was widely welcome in China.
Ambrose Hui, the male lead of Lavender, gained rocketing popularity.
He will shoot one commercial film for sneakers with a pay of more than 6 million NT$ (200000 USD).

Besides, Streetlamp, the major TV series of China Central TV (CCTV), will be led by Ambrose and directed by Hong Kong director Jacob Chi-Lang Cheung.
Many young Taiwanese stars gained popularity in China along with their dramas.
Ambrose is one of the examples. Initially he was frustrated by lack of chances in Hong Kong.

However, unexpected fame rested on him after he participated in Taiwanese dramas.
His Lavender soundtrack and personal album A1 reached a sale of more than 400000 CDs, far exceeding the estimation of 100000 CDs by the Rock Music Group.
Not included were the countless and ever-changing illegal editions in China.
His popularity rocketed with numerous invitations for CF and dramas.

After rigorous deliberation of his management company, Ambrose will participate in one 20-episode TV series Streetlamp.
This new series is funded by Zhejiang Cinema Co. and directed by Jacob Cheung, winners of Hong Kong Oscar and Golden Horse Cinema Awards of Taiwan.
His character is a street artist who loves dancing.
The female lead is Zhai-Lin Zhou, and also with Malaysian singer Victor Huang.
It will be released simultaneously in more than 30 provinces in China in summer, 2003.
The opening theme will be sung by Ambrose. To master this character, Ambrose searched all the video shops in Taipei and bought from New York nearly 50 clips of video on street dances and Hip-Hop.
He even grows his hair and beard long, approximating a vivid street dancer.

Thursday, August 12, 2004


許紹洋長髮為新戲留 【薰衣草】的LEO又活了起來 01/2003


得知【薰衣草】被網路選為91年最浪漫的偶像劇,而且即將在20日於三立都會台九點上檔,許紹洋對於這部戲在他人氣和演技的幫助有著說不完的感謝,才能讓他順利的從眾多競爭者中,以第一男主角的殊榮獲得『街燈』的演出機會,劇裡他飾演一位熱愛舞蹈的男生,精通各種舞術,從最年輕的HIP POP、爵士舞、影子舞、到芭蕾舞,許紹洋在鏡頭前是使出渾身解數盡善盡美的演出,實際上的他,每天為了練舞,一天只睡一個小時,除了拍戲,其他的時間都花在練舞較多,許紹洋表示,因本身不懂舞蹈,為了趕上進度,苦練舞蹈,縱使腳抽筋也不敢吭聲。然而一直以來在許紹洋身上最引爭議的話題莫過於他在【薰衣草】中的假長髮造型,自從以短髮造型出唱片以來,看【薰衣草】入戲太深的戲迷對他的新髮型一直無法接受,再多的謾罵聲,許紹洋當時都只能默默接受,把觀眾的批評當建議,如今他再度留長髮,接拍新戲『街燈』,活生生看來就是【薰衣草】的LEO又有新的人生,而且職業從一個歌手轉行當舞蹈家,許紹洋對自己深具信心「要讓LEO的魅力再發威」。


(translated by neuro)

LEO Revives with Ambrose’s Long Hair in the New Drama 01/2003

Highly acclaimed overseas by his outstanding work in Lavender, Ambrose Hui shoot his second TV series Streetlamp in China.
Although with the same long hair as he had in Lavender, he emphasized that this was real hair rather than a wig.
He swore never to be criticized again because of a wig.

In this new series, Ambrose would revive LEO and make him a master street dancer.
Behind his gorgeous dancing he slept only one hour per day!Lavender was voted on internet to be the most romantic idol drama of 2002, and will be released again in SET TV since Jan 20, 2003.

Ambrose was very appreciated that Lavender created his popularity and sharpened his acting skills.
It also won him the honor to take the leading actor in Streetlamp after a hot competition.

In Streetlamp, he was a street dancer who loved dancing very much, and mastered all kinds of dances from Hip-Hop, jazz, to shadow dance and ballet. On screen he gave a perfect performance with all means. In fact, he slept only one hour per day, and spared all remaining time for practicing dances besides acting.

Ambrose said that he was not good at dancing and had to work hard to meet the director’s demand, even though his legs cramped and hurt.
The most controversial issue about Ambrose, however, was the long-haired style of Lavender.

Too deeply intoxicated by Lavender, many fans could not accept the true short-haired style in his personal album. Ambrose took all the harsh criticism as advice.
Now his hair grows long. It is as if the singer LEO of Lavender revives in Streetlamp as a dancer. Ambrose was confident that “the charms of LEO will be powered on again.”

Despite there was no wig-trouble as in Lavender, Ambrose was much upset with the living environment in China, which made him susceptible to acnes.
“I never stayed in China to work for such a long time.
I didn’t get enough sleep and was sensitive to local water.
There are always acnes on face! The only remedy is to wash my face with bottled mineral water.

Once it got so severe that my face turned red and swollen, and the making had to be held for three days.” He said.Ambrose and Tammy Chen gained wide popularity by Lavender.
The rumors on their love affairs spread along with their rocketing fame. However, one tabloid reported recently that the true boyfriend of Tammy Chen was actually one of the staffs in Lavender.

Working in Hangzhou, China, Ambrose did not know until his manager brought him the news.
He said it was hard to believe.
“I did not hear from her for a long time, and I have been working in China.
I don’t know exactly how has she been recently.” He concluded.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


殺人計畫公映贏得滿堂采 10/2002




許紹洋笑說他完全沒有劇本可以參考, 拍戲當天到了現場, 再依導演的指示演出; 很多人不明白許紹洋在片中所飾演的遊民到底代表什麼, 連他自己也說不清楚, 可能要麻煩大家去問導演!
倒是瞿友寧在回答觀眾問題時說, 流浪漢保護自己住處的心情, 就像片中主角想要保護自己私密的感情一樣, 這就是遊民在片中所代表的意義吧!

Applaud for the Plan to Kill 10/2002

(translated by neuro)

Starred by widely acclaimed idol artist Ambrose Hui, the government-funded movie A Plan to Kill was informally released in the press conference on Oct 10, 2002. Ambrose destroyed his gorgeous image to play a homeless, and was even badly beaten by the female lead Pei-Chieh Yang.

A Plan to Kill was invited to the session of New Power of Taiwan in the Golden Horse Cinema Festival.

The director Yo-Ning Chui held the press together with Yang and Ambrose.
Both played themselves shabby. Yang gained weight by 5 kg, wore a denture, and spoiled her hair.
Ambrose was both homeless and wordless in the movie, extremely far from his gorgeous looking in Lavender.

The story goes that two high school girls developed an unusually intimate friendship with each other.
They built a secretive world of their own with comic books and role games. However, their relationship was endangered when a wordless vagabond appeared.
Suspected by critics to be a lesbian movie, the director joked that he had already foreseen this response, but he said there was more to this.

This movie won a loud applause when released formally in October.

Ambrose said he did not have any script to follow.
The only thing at the scene was director’s instruction. Few understood what the homeless stood for, including Ambrose himself.

He joked that he had no idea and “please ask the director!” On asked of this, the director Chui replied that the homeless protected his residence just as one protected his secretive affection. This is what the homeless means.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004



偶像形象 徹底破滅 許紹洋露宿街頭 睡在狗屎上 04/2003




Idol Collapsed: Ambrose wondered on the Street and Slept over Shits 04/2003

(ranslated by neuro)

It is not easy for a star to grow out of his idol stereotype.
In the government-funded movie My Dear Room (A Plan to Kill), Ambrose Hui destroyed his image completely: he wore four winter coats in the humid April of Taiwan, slept with stray dogs, and lived with cockroaches and spiders.

Greatly welcome with the idol drama Lavender, Ambrose would not confine himself to a stereotyped idol.
He played the role of a homeless in the movie My Dear Room, directed by the prize-winning Yo-Ning Chui.
Dirty and shabby as a vagabond, he was still shocked by the scene full of garbage and trashes.
In addition to the torture of acting in thick sweaters under extremely hot weather, he had to sleep over the damp beds where the dogs had left their stools and spider and cockroaches flying around.
Even the director felt sympathy for him.
Ambrose could only pray for going through it as quickly as possible. He joked, “The director asked me to be a real homeless---no showering for three days…I can’t do that anyway…”The movie was filmed in an area of illegal construction near Chi-Lung River in Taipei.

As the filming continued, illegal buildings were removed by the government at the same time. The director made a metaphor here: the gradual collapse of one’s mind.
Many of the vagabonds in the movie were truly homeless. Ambrose was a wordless male lead. After shooting for two weeks, on seeing the destruction of his home, he was agitated with tears, which made the director rather appreciated.

Monday, August 09, 2004



許紹洋終於能以真面目示人 許紹洋在「薰衣草」中成功的詮釋了從美國歸台的SUPER STAR「LEO」,但也因此在許多歌迷影迷的印象中,許紹洋始終是長髮的造型,也總是穿著皮衣,帶有強烈叛逆和酷的形象深入人心,雖然這個角色廣獲肯定,但是許紹洋一直很為每次和歌迷見面時都要世時間戴假髮所苦。


(translated by neuro)

Farewell to A Star in Drama and Realize A Singer in Life
Say Goodbye to the LEO-Wig with His Short Haircut

Due to his successful interpretation of the American Super Star LEO in Lavender, Ambrose has been always imagined as long-haired and linked to leather suits.

For many of his fans, he should be tough, wild, and cool.
No matter how successful this character is, wearing the wig is really a torture for Ambrose.

Now he finally has his debut album.

His only requirement for the make-up is Uncover the Real Ambrose.
In this album, all his fans should learn his short haircut, one aspect of the Real Ambrose.

Sunday, August 08, 2004



許紹洋笑說要提防身邊工作人員 MTV拍攝真情流露.
4度淚灑拍片工作現場.所有人員停機等候心情恢復平靜 個性率直的許紹洋,平日和工作人員相處毫無距離,也常把自己的心情和工作人員分享,錄音前,當工作人員問到他15歲以來最大的夢想就要實現有什麼心情,想不到許紹洋感性的吐露了內心的秘密,專輯發行在即雖然興奮,但是想到為他付出一切的女友已不在身邊,卻不禁感到非常的感傷和遺憾.


如今夢想終於要實現,昔日鼓勵他追夢的女友卻已經不在身邊,想到當時曾對女友許下承諾,””將來一定要讓你站在我身邊和我一起分享所有成功的喜悅”,不禁百感交集。工作人員聽了他這一席心聲深受感動,立刻瞞著他為他訂做了這首[希望你還在],許紹洋拿到歌詞時曾一度抗拒在專輯中收錄這首歌, 因為他覺得這些都是他私人的心情,最後唱片公司說服他,用這首歌作為對前女友的一份禮物,表達自己的感謝和此刻最真實的心情.不過,他笑說,以後他要小心的提防身邊的工作人員,不能再什麼都不想的就把心裡的祕密全都吐露了。

但是更辛苦的還後面,工作人員也以許紹洋自己的故事為腳本發展出浪漫的MTV情節,由於要呈現男女主角共度的甜蜜的一天,拍攝當天從凌晨3:00拍到隔天的凌晨5:00,共拍攝了26小時、12個場景,並且特別請到曾經和許紹洋在「薰衣草」中合作飾演晶晶的同門師妹柯以柔擔任女主角,2人在「薰衣草」中並沒有感情的對手戲,反而在MTV中大談戀愛,由於2人都已是專業的演員,因此拍攝時都有自然而動人的演技. 最不順利的反而是發生在拍攝對嘴時,雖然在拍攝前許紹洋一再提醒自己不要太過激動,但是一旦進入歌詞的情境,就忍不住開始落淚,起初導演金卓還很高興捕捉到歌手真情流露的畫面,但是在連續對嘴4次許紹洋都激動落淚而無法顧及表情,甚至眼睛也因為流淚而發腫,導演只好宣布停機,讓許紹洋休息半小時直到心情平復後才再繼續拍攝,並”拜託”許紹洋不要去想歌詞、不要放感情,才好不容易完成了拍攝工作。

(translated by neuro)

Tailor-Made Major Hit with Ambrose’s Dearest Memory of Love
Ambrose joked that he should have an eye on his staffs.

When shooting the music video, he was so moved that the making was withheld for four times because of his tears.

Being frank, straight, and easy to get along with, Ambrose used to share with the staffs feelings in his heart. On being asked about what he felt before the dawn of the dream since 15 years of age, Ambrose told a secret, to our surprise. Though excited, he felt deep sorrow and regret for his ex-girlfriend, who did everything to help him realize his dream.

Ambrose had a girlfriend before shooting Lavender.

She helped Ambrose send his demo tapes to numerous record companies, and even quit her job and moved to Hong Kong to take care of him, when he was attending the acting training class in China Star. Finally, when Ambrose got the chance to act in Lavender, she decided to leave him and went back to the United States. The reason was that she would not like to bring any emotional burden on his career at the very start.

I will share all the happiness with you, till the day when success comes.
This was what Ambrose had promised his girlfriend before.
Now the dream is going to dawn, but he is left alone.
The staffs were deeply moved by this story.
Not letting Ambrose know, they made the song Wish You Were Here for him. However, Ambrose once refused to include this personal affair in the album.
Finally he was persuaded to present it to his ex-girlfriend as a remembrance of appreciation and confession.

Maybe I should have an eye on the staffs around me and better not tell them anything in my heart without a second thought, Ambrose joked.

But there was more to this. His staffs drew romantic plots of MTV based on the same story.
To depict a joyful day shared by the male and female leads, they worked from 3 AM to 5 AM the next day, totally 26 hours and 12 different scenes on filming this MTV.
The female lead was I-Roe Ko, Ambrose’s colleague and also one of the actresses in Lavender. They did not have any love story in Lavender but developed a romance in this film. Their performance was professional, natural, and touching.

However, the toughest part was when Ambrose acted without need to sing.
Although he kept reminding himself of staying calm, he could not help sobbing on imagining the story.
At first the director was glad to get what he thought “the true heart of Ambrose”.
Yet Ambrose cried and the making was repeatedly failed, for four times.
He could not control his emotion and his eyes swore.
They had to withhold and wait for his recovery, asking him to forget the lyrics and refrain his feelings.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


BEYOND黃貫中合作,美夢成真 特殊的出身背景,使許紹洋自然而然的精通國、英、粵三種語言,在這次即將發行的第一張個人專輯A1中,也決定一次將三種不同感覺的許紹洋一次收錄,因此除了國語歌之外,也分別收錄了一首英文歌和一首粵語歌。

值得一提的是,唱片公司決定英文歌的部份交由許紹洋親自填詞,而許紹洋則挑選了他非常喜歡的韓國女歌手朴志胤的歌曲「TRUE LOVE」來填詞,希望能和朴志胤有更多的合作機會。



(translated by neuro)

International background with Chinese, English and Cantonese tones
Dreams come true! Cooperation with Park Ji Yoon and Paul Huang of Beyond

It is for granted that Ambrose speaks three languages fluently, owing to his unique background. The debut album A1 covers all three different dimensions of Ambrose: in addition to Chinese songs, there is one English and one Cantonese song, respectively.

Moreover, the English lyrics were written by Ambrose himself, based on the policy of the company.

He chose True Love by his favorite Korean female artist Park Ji Yoon, and looked forward to future cooperation with her.

Although he was so humble about this work, saying it was tough for a novice like him, he completed the whole lyrics in only three days. They were based on Ambrose’s own love story. This may be the reason that this song was recorded swiftly yet still emotionally rich.

The Cantonese song Forgotten is produced by Paul Huang, Ambrose’s idol in music.

The record company arranged this cooperation for him.
This song was made in Back Seat 2F, the professional studio special for Beyond in Hong Kong. “Oh! My God…incredible!” Ambrose was so excited to meet his music idol.
Paul Huang gave a high acclaim for Ambrose’s vocal and skills, which made Ambrose more than pleased.

He was eager to show his best in face of his idol, and this song was completed perfectly within merely three hours.

Friday, August 06, 2004



每首歌都是主打歌 許紹洋的第1張個人專輯6月1日即將發行,對於自己15歲以來立下了成為歌手的夢想,許紹洋希望自己在這第1個起跑點上就能有最好的表現,因此嚴格的要求自己在每一首歌上都要有主打歌的品質。


The Very First of Ambrose Hui----A1
(translated by neuro)

He expects himself high at the very first start, and every song should be his A1 major.

The debut album of Ambrose will be released on June 1st.
Dreaming to be a singer from the age of fifteen, he expects high in himself to make a good start. Every song in this album, he meticulously demands, should be taken as an A1 major.

Partly because that this is the first album of Ambrose, and partly because that every song in this CD is of the high quality as first major on side A, the Rock Music Group names this album as “A1”.

Thursday, August 05, 2004








Born in Hong Kong, Educated in America, and Rising from Taiwan
(translated by neuro)

He acted as the male lead in Lavender, the champion TV series, and sang the original soundtrack, which was a great hit with a sale of more than 100000 CDs.
In Taiwan, where he was completely unfamiliar with, Ambrose began to tackle the major record companies himself.

There was a long silence before he was almost about to give up.
Then, again by a remarkable chance, he was recommended to Yao, who was the manager of Best Entertainment Agency and had successfully promoted Alex Tu and Yuki Hsu.
Yao decided to make a contract with Ambrose after listening to his demo tapes, and at the same time, another record contract with Rock Music Group.
A dream since the age of fifteen, he seemed ready to start his career as a singer.

Just when he was about to prepare his first album, Ambrose met incidentally in his company Yu-Shan Chen, who was the producer of Sanlih TV and was looking for suitable actors for the TV series Lavender.
So impressed by his international background and macho, sexy looking, she enthusiastically recruited Ambrose as the male lead.

Lavender won the champion from the very start.
Ambrose played the role of LEO, an American singer who extended his career to Taiwan.
This role was so popular that Ambrose rocketed to fame, with more than ten thousand fans enrolled in his official website in a very short time.

Lavender was repeatedly released in various TV channels---three rounds in only two months! Moreover, the original soundtrack in which Ambrose sang the opening theme and others, reached remarkable sales of more than 100000 CDs.

He started his career in TV series all of a surprise, and this start was surprisingly successful.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

頹廢許紹洋 衣廂情願

頹廢許紹洋 衣廂情願 01/2002





Being Stylishly Sloppy: Ambrose’s Fashion Philosophy 01/2002
(translated by neuro)

Attributed to his affectionate debut in idol drama Lavender, Ambrose Hui is now a rising star with widespread popularity and attention.
Born in Hong Kong and growing up in America, he loves cool dresses with a strong personal style, which is far from gentleness so common to other idols.
There had been one funny story about his stylish fashion.
Once his staffs reminded him that his leather jacket was torn.
They did not know it was actually his favorite sloppy style.
Many people thought Ambrose was very lucky that his dreams of being an actor and a singer were realized at the same time in Lavender.

However, the endeavors were evident on his body build.
For creating an ideal image in front of camera, with his extraordinary endurance, the 1.76 m-high Ambrose lost 26 kg by completely avoiding rice for two years.
Although he is less than 60 kg, he is not weak.
In fact, he is fit and sturdy due to car racing and karate.
With his sexy build, he can display his dressing styles as he wishes.

To our surprise, Ambrose did not like the loose and floppy American street style.
He said it served him better the simple and easy style such as jeans.
He admitted that he had no resistance to leather dresses.

In America, Ambrose often visited second-hand fashion stores to look for sloppy but cool leather jackets.
Ambrose had a strongly personal taste for dresses.
How about his hairstyle?
As for his highly debated wig in Lavender, he explained that his hair was too short and naturally curl to fit into the character.
Two months later when he plans to release his album, however, he will show people his true hair.
It doesn’t matter whether the hair is long or not; what counts is being personal and stylish, he said.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

一對失戀男人 兩首情歌抒懷

一對失戀男人 兩首情歌抒懷 07/2002


希望她還在 許紹洋全不理緋聞














A Pair of Men, A Duo for Past Loves 07/2002
(translated by neuro)

There is something in common for Wish You Were Here by Ambrose Hui and Never Thought of It by Victor Huang: these were about the sad stories of their past loves.
Since in America Ambrose had been a fan of Victor; now that they met each other, and there surely was a nice chat.
Both having Cantonese as their mother tongue, they seemed to know each other for a long time, in Taiwan where they were both foreign.
Victor is a veteran in music, while Ambrose is far more experienced about the high and low of romance.

Ambrose: Wish You Were Here…
Distance and lacking a sense of security were common for the failures of their romance.
Victor’s ex-girlfriend was in Australia. She had great academic stress and needed his company, while it was impossible for him to set aside his career.

Ambrose worked in Taiwan while his ex-girlfriend stayed in Hong Kong.
He had only two or three hours to sleep when shooting TV dramas, and had no time to care about her calls. This was the reason why they broke up.
Victor and Ambrose made the same conclusion about their failures.

Victor said, “She had a hard time with her study and exams, but I couldn’t stay next to her.” “She was alone in Hong Kong, far away from home, and had a stressful job. I couldn’t give her what she needed, no matter how many times I tried.” Ambrose remarked.
“I have no confidence in love at a great distance. I am afraid that someone else is approaching her. We had been together for more than two years, and she is really nice.
Although we agreed to part, we still keep in touch.
So It seems not over yet between us, and I am not so sad as Victor.”
Distance resulted in uncertainty, which endangered Victor’s love about which he was once so confident.

Victor’s ex-girlfriend, however, had found her new love.
It is more fortunate for Ambrose that his ex-girlfriend is still single, and there is chance that they can be together again.
Now Ambrose set aside the rumors about Tammy Chen, and concentrated on his career and his love.

Ambrose…Caught Her in Bed!
Before this serene romance, Ambrose had the painful experience of witnessing the betrayal of another girlfriend.
He said he used to judge a girl by her appearance.
This ex-ex-girlfriend was also a model as Ambrose was then.
They had a feverish romance and he made a proposal to her six months later.
Unfortunately, Ambrose happened to catch her in bed with another man.
What was more embarrassing was that he was the intruder instead of the victim: his ex-ex-girlfriend had known this guy before she knew Ambrose.

Victor: Never Thought of It…
Victor said that he liked girls with academic intention.
Nevertheless, both of his ex-girlfriends broke up with him after they went abroad for studies. Before his ex-girlfriend went to Australia, Victor wrote songs in his Album such as With You Until We grow Old, which makes him even sadder now.
The new album is also a vivid reflection of Victor’s past romance.
Together with the previous one, they were the complete description of what he felt about his loves.
Never Thought of It best illustrated his feelings.
The lyrics were so vivid that he was moved and agitated during recording.
Victor kept in touch with her after they were apart. He thought they were still friends.
However, this exacerbated his painful memories.
Fortunately the consultant Isabella helped him go through his difficulties.

Ambrose and his ex-girlfriend were both lovers and comrades.
She supported his dream to be in the entertainment field. They moved to Hong Kong together. Ambrose entered an actor training class, while his girlfriend got a job in another company.
It never came to him that his popularity jeopardized their relationship.
“I am too busy to take care of my girlfriend.” He said with a sad smile.

Victor: the Voluptuary?
Victor and Ambrose were both rumored to have new loves.
Being a couple in Lavender, it was said that they would have extended their romance beyond the screen but for Tammy’s refusal.

But Ambrose clarified, “Maybe my Chinese was not good enough.
I mean I was somewhat touched while we tried to cultivate a feeling for the drama.
But we did not go any further.”

It was even more embarrassing for Victor, who was said to have two lovers at the same time.
“Two for me? Really ridiculous!” He joked.
His catholic parents even called him from Malaysia and questioned about his “voluptuous” deeds.

Now Ambrose sees new hope with his ex-lover, but Victor had nothings at both ends.
Both his ex-girlfriend and his lovers in rumors had found their new loves.
“Why am I still alone?” He protested.

Monday, August 02, 2004

許紹洋 薰衣草情人

許紹洋  薰衣草情人


















Ambrose, the Lavender Valentine 08/2002, Shanghai
(translated by neuro)

Young girls all over Shanghai rapidly changed their idol from F4 to LEO, after Lavender appeared as the greatest hit recently.
Thanks to the visiting Ambrose Hui, the Lavender Valentine, we reporters were chased all around by our female colleagues.

For making Ambrose more known to people here, we visited him at the hotel he lived.
To our surprise, Ambrose smiled brightly at us when the door was opened.
Like a mischievous boy, he embarrassed us instead.

Ambrose dressed the same as he did in the poster of the album, except that the pink shirt was almost totally unbuttoned, showing his tanned healthy skin color.
Here our interview started.

R: What do you like for daily dress? Any favorite accessories?
Ambrose: Personally I like dressing wild.
It is gentle enough for me to wear a shirt today.
As you see, I have unbuttoned it to make myself comfortable. I like silver accessories.
What I wear on my hand now was bought while I was in America.
(We noted that his accessories were “rock style”. Unlike young men who bear unilateral ear hole, Ambrose wore earpieces on both sides.)

Ambrose: I admire George Michael very much, and he also wears earpieces.
They say only gays wear them on both sides, but I don’t care. I did what I liked.

R: Your English name is quite special. Any reasons?
Ambrose: Oh, my father chose it for me before I was born.
We are Catholic and “Ambrose” is the name of a Catholic saint.

R: There are Chinese, Cantonese and English songs in your album.
How did you learn to speak Cantonese and Chinese, since you grew up in America?
Do you wish to extend your career internationally?
Ambrose: I spoke Cantonese at home since childhood, and I like Chinese music very much, so I learned to speak by singing them.
It is ideal to be international, but I got so much to learn: languages, everything.
That’s beyond my current busy schedule.
I only wish to focus on my present projects.

R: We also know that your dream has been to be a singer. How did you enter this entertainment field? How do you expect yourself in singing?
Ambrose: I thought it was chance.
It is hard to get to this field if you don’t know any people here.
In Taiwan, initially I sent my demo tapes to several record companies without any response.
Later I got to know my manager Irene (watching and smiling at the manager who was busy behind), and at the same time I got the chance to participate in Lavender.
I want to be a real singer instead of an idol star.
I had written lyrics in this album. I hope to write more in next one.

R: In your new album, the MV of Beard is very sexy.
Are you afraid that this ruins your image on fans as a pristine and pure lover?
Ambrose: Pure lover? Oh…Ha Ha…thanks so much for that.
I just want to show them the other side of Ambrose.
It was a hard job shooting this MV.
Unfortunately for some reason of sanction system, it cannot be played before 9:30 PM in Taiwan.
To be frankly, I am a little bit disappointed.
But what can I do? I just wish my fans to know that I have done my best.

R: Are you distracted in singing while shooting so many dramas and movies at the same time? Which movie is your favorite?
Ambrose: Of course I will be distracted.
If I do recording and shooting at the same time, the director may think I do not concentrate enough.
It is hard to satisfy both side.
I will try to balance between them, however, and currently I won’t give up either one.
My favorite movie is My Dear Room (A Plan to Kill), 90 minutes in length.
Only me and stray dogs and not a single line.
I can only act through my eyes and body.

R: Please comment on Tammy Chen in Lavender and Rainie Yang in Lavender Special.
Ambrose: Rainie is very cute, just like a doll.
As for Tammy, she is tough both outside and inside.
(Ambrose added as our eyes opened wide and stunned.)
We fought each other when making the movie: She kicked me and I kicked her back, ha ha.
(He showed us how they fought. Now we know they are not affectionate at all.)

R: There are always newcomers.
Will that be a stress for you? What’s the difference between you and them?
Ambrose: Stress? Of course.
When I first came to Taiwan, learning Chinese brought me much stress.
I believe that veterans will be overwhelmed by the newcomers someday, so I just want to concentrate on my job.
About the difference between me and them, I think everyone has its own strength.
(As a newcomer, Ambrose was quite good at rounding things up!)

R: People say that you are very sunny. What do you think?
Ambrose: Sunny? It must be coined by you reporters.
Actually I am introspective in daily life.
People get that impression probably because I can talk some more before the media.
(R: Ever since the very start of this interview we don’t have the least impression of an introspective Ambrose!)

R: Do you like to cry?
Ambrose: I seldom cry. I almost burst into tears when I recorded my album, because the lyrics were my own stories.
Once I refused to use them. I don’t like to cry since I was a child.
My parents were so surprised to see my bitter crying in Lavender.

R: As a singer, you have fly here and there. Do you have confidence in long-distance romance?
Ambrose: Not at all. This is why I broke up with my previous girlfriend.
I was extremely busy and slept for less than two hours a day.
So exhausted that I didn’t have any energy to talk to her on phone.
Distance and time available have a great impact on love.
For me, the first priority now is my career.
I don’t have time and energy for romance.

R: In Lavender, Yi-Shun asked LEO that who was the one he would like to cherish.
And whom do you want to cherish? Is lavender your favorite plant?
Ambrose: So many…my father, mother, and grannie… (saying with a smile) Favorite plant?
I don’t like plants or flowers, although I love nature. Kind of odd!

R: Whom do you like to go out with after you have become a singer?
Ambrose: I dare not go out with any other people.
If it is a man, I will be said to be a gay; if it is a lady, then she will be said to be my lover.
For my boss, they say Ambrose wants to butter him up.
I can only go out with Dad and Mom.

R: Do you think you are an American Chinese, or a Chinese American? Which one do you favor as your next girlfriend, western girl or Oriental?
Ambrose: I think I am both American and Chinese.
For love, I am more Chinese. I like girls dressing sexily on the street, but not for my own girlfriend, ha ha.
To be my girlfriend, she should be Oriental. It’s hard to explain, but I feel comfortable amongst Chinese.
It made me feel strange and isolated being surrounded by westerners.
In our eyes, Ambrose is not a man so fatally handsome.
Yet no doubt his smile is by all means sunny.
Although Shanghai has never been so sunny before as this summer, girls ask for more sunlight, and more Ambrose.