
Monday, September 27, 2004

安君のメッセージ 2003/10/14

ambrose_ (2003/10/14 下午 11:37:46)

終於錄完啦!!!!開心開心!!!本來真的很想早一黑占上來留言, 可是錄音錄到快累死....可是這首歌一定會是主打之一!!!
非常好聽.....製作人是小蟲老師!!!好大壓力啊!!! 可是一切順利完成!!!!^_^
*** 非常重要的是..不能忘記謝謝為了這一次生日會出每一份力量的歌迷跟工作人員!!!
請給自己最多最大力的掌聲!!! I gave you all my most sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!還有非常感動可以看到從不同国家來參加的朋友...我一定會加油努力演多一些好的劇跟好歌報答你們...我會好好珍惜你們的!! Thank you

(translated by fanyicho)

I gave you all my most sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!

Thank youTHANK YOU AMbrose Hui

Saturday, September 25, 2004

海豚湾恋人 ロケ地レポート4





(translated by neuro)

Marathon before the toiletToo fed up with the seafood, Ambrose and Angela decided to cook something different and headed for the market.
They screamed with excitement when they saw a middle-aged woman with a bag of big Mac. They were soon disappointed to learn that big Mac was only available in Makong City--- another trip by ship.
Where there is human, there has to be a toilet.

What impressed the staffs most was the inevitable physical training before reaching the toilet. On the seemingly boundless beach, gentlemen unloaded when nobody noticed them.
Ladies had to endure as long as they could.
When they couldn’t stand anymore, they would go for the toilet, but passing a one-km marathon on the beach first.
For the staffs and actors, after ten days’ torment, shooting in Taipei was just paradise.

They decided to entitle this outdoor shooting as Robinson Crusoe on the Devil Island.

(translated by fanyicho)






Friday, September 24, 2004

海豚湾恋人 ロケ地レポート3



(translated by neuro)

Embarrassment in the bathroom

Another challenge was daily living.
They had to wash their own clothes on this small island.
They had to line up for the washing machine, even they were already soaked to the skin in the rain.They put all the clothes into the washing machine; no matter it was man or lady’s.
They only separated the white articles from other colored clothes, as Angela said, a necessary compromise on this inconvenient island.
But when she took out her clothes from the drying machine, there was men’s underwear in between the lady’s.
All the girls were so mad about this.And it was also very embarrassing for Ambrose to live with three ladies.
4 P? Ambrose explained that he lived in the small cabinet while the ladies lived in the ground floor.
Ok, it should be Okay.
But they shared the bathroom! He had to hold his breath and eye widely open, lest he should bump into something he shouldn’t have seen.

(translated by fanyicho)








4Pの生活?! 許紹洋の説明によれば、3人の女性は1階に、彼は小さな屋根裏部屋にひとりなので、何も揉め事無く仲良く暮らせるはずでした。


Thursday, September 23, 2004

海豚湾恋人 ロケ地レポート2



Heart Attack over the Instruments
(translated by neuro)

Dolphin Bay Lovers of SET TV cast its major scenes on the Gi-Bay Island, Penghu.
It is by no means an easy task.
The staff spent a couple of days to pack up all the instruments in Taipei, weighing 1800 kg in total. Moreover, all the transportation by vehicles, ships and planes is carried out by the staff themselves rather than paid workers.
They had to give way to these instruments when sitting in the over-crowded cars.
The manager Shen said they had to drag all the instruments to the beach on Gi-Bay.
And the width of the beach was 1 km in its full extension.
Eight sturdy men worked together to move the armed camera, doing so on work and off duty. All the staffs were exhausted.
One of them even had a heart attack and was sent back to Taiwan for hospitalization.
Fortunately, all the actors, including Ambrose, Angela, Wallace, and Shan-Feng Kao helped moving these heavy instruments.
Wallace said it was inhumane not to lend a hand. “And the feeling of collaboration was good.” He added.

(translated by fanyicho)



台北から運んでいく器材の梱包に数日間を費やし、重量は1800 kg にもなりました。






Wednesday, September 22, 2004

海豚湾恋人 ロケ地レポート1

海豚灣戀人變吉貝島苦力 張韶涵當鐵人 許紹洋搞4P April 2003


Dolphin Bay Workers on A Romantic Devil Island
(translated by neuro)

Romantic are the love scenes in which Ambrose Hui, Angela Chang and Wallace Huo develop their stories on the beautiful beach. It is another story, however, when the camera is turned off. In fact, the actors and staff are experiencing what Robinson Crusoe had had before.

『海豚湾の恋人達』変じて、吉貝島のクーリーに, 張韶涵はトライアスロンに挑戦?, 許紹洋は4Pを為す?
(translated by fanyicho)


Tuesday, September 21, 2004



以薰已經去世兩年了,深情的LEO卻始終還無法忘懷。七夕情人節又要到了,LEO擔任電台節目的代班DJ,卻接到因為被女友拋棄而要自殺的Simon的call in電話,LEO用自己的和以薰的故事告訴他,只要自己愛的人還活著就已經很幸福了,也因此讓Simon打消了自殺的念頭。


沒想到一下飛機LEO的所有行李就被女扒手小小和同夥洗劫一空,連以薰留下來最重要的信物-薰衣草瓶也被偷走了。 於是LEO一路追著小小要她交出薰衣草瓶,卻意外的發現小小和以薰之間竟然有一段特殊的情誼,而外表叛逆的小小其實和以薰一樣是個善良的女孩,小小還告訴LEO,七夕的午夜,在思戀峽上能和自己死去的愛人相會。 究竟LEO能不能再一次見到以薰呢?而LEO和小小之間又會有什麼樣的發展呢?

Lavender Special

(translated by neuro)

Leo was still deeply engaged in the memory of Yi-Shun two years after her death.
In a special radio program for the coming Chinese Valentine’s Day, Leo appeared as the guest DJ, unexpectedly receiving a call from one of the audience, Simon.

Simon wanted to commit suicide because of his girlfriend’s leave.
Leo told him over the phone his story with Yi-Shun, implying that it was a blessing the one you loved was still alive, even if she was not beside you.

Simon gave up suicide finally, but Leo was again tormented by sorrow and solitude. His manager Peter booked a flight for him and asked him to have a vacation, but he refused.

However, Leo happened to meet a mysterious Gypsy woman, telling him that in the midnight on July 7th (Chinese Valentine’s Day), he will find his love again in a remote Oriental city.

Unfortunately, a girl thief named Xiao-Xiao and her gangsters robbed him of all his baggage at the airport.

The lavender bottle, the most important remembrance of Yi-Shun, was also lost.

Leo got Xiao-Xiao and asked her to return the bottle back.
But he was surprised to know that Xiao-Xiao had been friend with Yi-Shun before, and she was actually amiable under her nasty outlooks.

Xiao-Xiao told Leo that he could meet his past love again at the Cape of Remembrance in the midnight on July 7th.

Would that be possible, and will there be any story between Leo and Xiao-Xiao?


(translated by fanyicho)










LEOは、再度、以薰に逢えるのでしょうか? LEOと小小の間は、これからいったいどうなるのでしょうか?

Sunday, September 19, 2004


許紹洋 闖進風暴圈 到醫院取景 小生怕怕 05/04/2003

偶像劇『海豚灣戀人』昨夜在三立新聞部拍攝, 今天下午又到附近一家醫院取景, 挑大樑的許紹洋, 身陷兩種SARS高危險風暴圈, 他說:"非常害怕, 說不出來的恐懼。

許紹洋近幾個月來, 從廣州到香港再到台灣, 可說追著SARS的腳步跑, 但他萬萬沒想到拍美美的偶像劇, 也會和SARS近距離接觸, 近半月來, 劇組在三立新聞部及台內各處取景, 由於新聞部人員採訪SARS新聞, 內部氣氛繃到最高點, 劇組此時借景, 彼此都覺得心裡毛毛的, 但劇情需要, 不能不拍, 前一晚拍攝時只見工作人員全部戴上口罩, 許紹洋只有不停禱告, 以求心情平靜。和他演對手戲的林韋君, 梁修身, 戈偉如等人, 也全神貫注, 隨時提高警覺, 因為劇中他們都要在三立上班, 而許紹洋的經紀公司為了安全起見, 日前為他加保醫療險, 他的父親也從美國趕來, 探視在"水深火熱"中工作的兒子, 讓他感受到親情溫暖。

Romance at Hospital: Ambrose Was Upset by the Haunting SARS

(translated by neuro)

After shooting overnight at SET News TV, the staff of idol drama Dolphin Bay Lovers moved to one nearby hospital to continue their work.

Both two spots being at high risk for acquiring SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), “I am worried; don’t know how to describe my fear.” The male lead Ambrose Hui said.

Over the past few months, from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, to Taiwan, Ambrose’s work closely followed the spread of SARS.

However, it never came to his mind that someday the romantic idol drama would also have to deal with this millennial plaque.
In the past two weeks, the staff of Dolphin Bay Lovers took scenes everywhere in the SET TV station, including the News Department.

Due to reporters’ potential exposure to SARS during their work, the tension within the department was high.
It was not comfortable for the staff to shoot at this time.
But they had no choice. During shooting, all the staff wore masks, and Ambrose could only keep praising for consolation.

Other participating actors such as Penny Lin, Shio-Shen Liang and Wei-Ru Go, were also fully vigilant of their security.
In this drama they are all working at the SET TV.
Ambrose’s agency bought him extra health insurance, and his father flied from the United States to take care of him.
There is still warmth at the high time of SARS storm.


(translated by fanyicho)











Saturday, September 18, 2004


許紹洋長髮為新戲留 【薰衣草】的LEO又活了起來 01/2003


得知【薰衣草】被網路選為91年最浪漫的偶像劇,而且即將在20日於三立都會台九點上檔,許紹洋對於這部戲在他人氣和演技的幫助有著說不完的感謝,才能讓他順利的從眾多競爭者中,以第一男主角的殊榮獲得『街燈』的演出機會,劇裡他飾演一位熱愛舞蹈的男生,精通各種舞術,從最年輕的HIP POP、爵士舞、影子舞、到芭蕾舞,許紹洋在鏡頭前是使出渾身解數盡善盡美的演出,實際上的他,每天為了練舞,一天只睡一個小時,除了拍戲,其他的時間都花在練舞較多,許紹洋表示,因本身不懂舞蹈,為了趕上進度,苦練舞蹈,縱使腳抽筋也不敢吭聲。




LEO Revives with Ambrose’s Long Hair in the New Drama 01/2003

(translated by neuro)

Highly acclaimed overseas by his outstanding work in Lavender, Ambrose Hui shoot his second TV series Streetlamp in China.

Although with the same long hair as he had in Lavender, he emphasized that this was real hair rather than a wig.
He swore never to be criticized again because of a wig.

In this new series, Ambrose would revive LEO and make him a master street dancer.
Behind his gorgeous dancing he slept only one hour per day!Lavender was voted on Internet to be the most romantic idol drama of 2002, and will be released again in SET TV since Jan 20, 2003.

Ambrose was very appreciated that Lavender created his popularity and sharpened his acting skills.
It also won him the honor to take the leading actor in Streetlamp after a hot competition.

In Streetlamp, he was a street dancer who loved dancing very much, and mastered all kinds of dances from Hip-Hop, jazz, to shadow dance and ballet.

On screen he gave a perfect performance with all means.
In fact, he slept only one hour per day, and spared all remaining time for practicing dances besides acting.

Ambrose said that he was not good at dancing and had to work hard to meet the director’s demand, even though his legs cramped and hurt.

The most controversial issue about Ambrose, however, was the longhaired style of Lavender.

Too deeply intoxicated by Lavender, many fans could not accept the true shorthaired style in his personal album.

Ambrose took all the harsh criticism as advice.
Now his hair grows long.
It is as if the singer LEO of Lavender revives in Streetlamp as a dancer.

Ambrose was confident that “the charms of LEO will be powered on again.

”Despite there was no wig-trouble as in Lavender; Ambrose was much upset with the living environment in China, which made him susceptible to acnes.

“I never stayed in China to work for such a long time. I didn’t get enough sleep and was sensitive to local water. There are always acnes on face! The only remedy is to wash my face with bottled mineral water. Once it got so severe that my face turned red and swollen, and the making had to be held for three days.” He said.

Ambrose and Tammy Chen gained wide popularity by Lavender.

The rumors on their love affairs spread along with their rocketing fame.

However, one tabloid reported recently that the true boyfriend of Tammy Chen was actually one of the staffs in Lavender.

Working in Hangzhou, China, Ambrose did not know until his manager brought him the news.
He said it was hard to believe.

“I did not hear from her for a long time, and I have been working in China. I don’t know exactly how has she been recently.” He concluded.

Friday, September 17, 2004


薰衣草 內地飄香 許紹洋 火力踢街燈 11/2002





Lavender Flourished in China, and Ambrose Powered the Light On 11/2002

(translated by neuro)

Taiwanese TV series Lavender was widely welcome in China.
Ambrose Hui, the male lead of Lavender, gained rocketing popularity.
He will shoot one commercial film for sneakers with a pay of more than 6 million NT$ (200000 USD).

Besides, Streetlamp, the major TV series of China Central TV (CCTV), will be led by Ambrose and directed by Hong Kong director Jacob Chi-Lang Cheung.Many young Taiwanese stars gained popularity in China along with their dramas.

Ambrose is one of the examples. Initially he was frustrated by lack of chances in Hong Kong.
However, unexpected fame rested on him after he participated in Taiwanese dramas.
His Lavender soundtrack and personal album A1 reached a sale of more than 400000 CDs, far exceeding the estimation of 100000 CDs by the Rock Music Group.

Not included were the countless and ever-changing illegal editions in China.
His popularity rocketed with numerous invitations for CF and dramas.

After rigorous deliberation of his management company, Ambrose will participate in one 20-episode TV series Streetlamp.
This new series is funded by Zhejiang Cinema Co. and directed by Jacob Cheung, winners of Hong Kong Oscar and Golden Horse Cinema Awards of Taiwan.

His character is a street artist who loves dancing.
The female lead is Zhai-Lin Zhou, and also with Malaysian singer Victor Huang.

It will be released simultaneously in more than 30 provinces in China in summer, 2003.
Ambrose will sing the opening theme.
To master this character, Ambrose searched all the video shops in Taipei and bought from New York nearly 50 clips of video on street dances and Hip-Hop.

He even grows his hair and beard long, approximating a vivid street dancer.

Thursday, September 16, 2004



本片在馬來西亞一處風景如畫的地點拍攝, 故事開始時,張燊悅夢想著有一個像[秋天的童話]裡頭"船頭呎"那樣的男朋友, 因此她逃離原本富裕的家庭, 以擺脫家人為她安排好的婚姻; 她來到馬來西亞一處度假地, 在那裡遇見了度假地的主人許紹洋, 起初他們似乎是對頭冤家, 但漸漸地, 張燊悅發現許紹洋原來就是她要找的"船頭呎", 因此愛上了他; 當許紹洋的前女友回到度假地, 想與他再續前緣時, 一段感人的三角戀愛就此展開(浪漫喜劇)

An Autumn Diary

(translated by neuro)

Shot in picturesque locations in Malaysia, it begins with Nicola, a girl who dreams of having a boyfriend that looks like “Figurehead” in “An Autumn’s Tale”, runs away from her wealthy family to escape from an arranged marriage.

She comes to a resort in Malaysia, where she meets Ambrose, the owner of the resort.
At first, they seem to be a pair of odd-couple, but gradually Nicola finds Ambrose is in fact her “Figurehead” and falls for him.

A moving love triangle ensues when Ambrose’s ex-girlfriend comes back to the resort in an attempt to resume their romance. (Romantic Comedy)


(translated by fanyicho)






Wednesday, September 15, 2004


許紹洋、柯以柔大車拚 10/2002

許紹洋和小師妹「水果妹」柯以柔,同是10 月出生的天秤座,經紀公司「最佳娛樂」乾脆選在昨天為兩人一同慶生,由他們自行決定慶生方式。


許紹洋非常愛賽車,他曾揚言,只要演藝事業穩定發展,他要像林志穎看齊,參加正式賽車比賽。在慶生活動上他並透露,為了犒賞1年來的辛苦,經紀公司送他一個生日大禮,就是讓他放半月的大假回美國,好讓他能在 17 日生日當天,與親愛的祖母一起歡度。但是他一提到將帶2萬美元回去「孝敬」小老婆,所有人立即神經緊繃,不知他還有個小老婆。


Racing at the Birthday Party

(translated by neuro)

Ambrose Hui and his colleague Chris Ko are both Libra by zodiac.
Their management company held a birthday party for them in October, and told them to decide which kind of party they wanted.

Surprisingly, both chose to celebrate their birthdays by racing with their fans!
Ambrose put on his professional racing dress, while Chris dressed herself as an F1 girl.

Ambrose loved car racing very much.
He once said that he would participate in formal racing once his career was stable.

At the party he announced that the management company gave him a two-week vacation as a gift for his hard working in the past one year.
He will return to America to celebrate birthday with his grandmother.
But on adding that he will also bring 20000 USD to his “concubine”, all his fans nearly passed out.
He then explained that the concubine was actually a Mitsubishi racing car.
The engine was broken, and he couldn’t find the parts to fix it because he bought the car long time ago.

However, he would try all he can to treat it, no matter how much it will cost him.
Ambrose’s new album had a good sale and there are numerous works in progress for dramas and music.

He plans to release his second album in next spring (2003).
Meanwhile, there are three dramas under discussion by his company.
The year of 2003 will surely be a busy one for Ambrose.


(translated by fanyicho)







Tuesday, September 14, 2004


許紹洋MTV「前戲」 乾柴烈火喘噓火辣情慾尺度洞開 05/2002






(translated by neuro)

Appetizer for Ambrose: Too Hot, Too Spicy 05/2002

A romantic valentine in TV drama Lavender, Ambrose became an erotic lover in the MV of his new song Beard, full of spicy sexuality.

For his unexpected transformation, he clarified urgently, “That is for shooting the MV, not my true personality.”

Ambrose was a male model in this MV, and he fell for another female model at one glance. After the runway, they made love all over the bed, the bathroom, and the corner. Bare-chested Ambrose and the girl with only bra and T-underwear challenged the limits of their fans and his own endurance.

Before shooting this film, the director Ren-Feng Hsu spent a lot of time persuading Ambrose, who was reluctant to take such a sexy plotline. He felt unpleasant to “make love” with an unfamiliar lady.

Moreover, he was afraid to be out of control during making, after so long a time of being alone.

Finally he was persuaded to exceed his own limitations.
The girl was extremely sexy and they had a lot of intimate body contact.
Trying so hard to suppress his desire, Ambrose was nervous with frequent facial twitching, murmuring to himself that “this is not real, you shall not take it real.”

Maybe too nervous, He repeatedly failed over undressing the female model, being too violent or getting stuck over the knees.

The staffs joked that he intended to do so for his desire. Ambrose was embarrassed and protested, “I am not that open, although I grew up in America.
” He would rather hand off this kind of “bonus”, for such sexual plots only brought him much trouble.

Monday, September 13, 2004

許紹洋 激吻4小時!

許紹洋 激吻4小時!!!   05/2002






(translated by neuro)

A Four-Hour Climax for Ambrose     05/2002

Ambrose sacrificed a lot for his debut album. Persuaded by MV director Ren-Feng Hsu, he had a hot and sexy plot with a model from Chinese Cultural University.

It took them for more than 4 torturing hours even for some simple deep kiss, undressing and seduction. Ambrose was completely exhausted after finishing it in the midnight, complaining that “she is so professional and made my mouth hurt!” His manager intended to comfort him, who was badly treated, but Ambrose added, “I am fine anyway.

It is a big deal for that girl, because she has an exam in the morning!”
Director Hsu, famous for his seducing and controversial style of making MV, made a theme for the second major Beard for Ambrose: sparkling one-night stay for metropolitans.

To be realistic, the actors had to be completely naked in the upper part of the body.

Initially Ambrose hesitated and was afraid that people would take him as an erotic actor.

He finally agreed after repeated promise by Hsu that he would make it tasteful and romantic.

However, after giving his consent, Ambrose was afraid that he would lose control in front of a sexy girl with only bra and underwear. He said he had not have love for a long time.

The model was very professional, and this made Ambrose rather embarrassed.

No wonder it was totally under control of the model. She seduced Ambrose first and made him burst into laughter.

He failed several dozen times undressing her trousers, because the girl kept reminding him of being careful about her underwear.

Ambrose the gentleman became so cautious and clumsy.

Director Hsu joked, “Okay…it seems that Ambrose is a virgin and lacks such experience.”

Sunday, September 12, 2004


許紹洋轟動對岸 08/2002



Ambrose Caused A Commotion in Shanghai 08/2002

(translated by neuro)

Taiwanese drama Lavender gained widespread popularity in China, and Ambrose Hui, the male lead of Lavender, was no wonder the idol for modern young girls.

However, they gave Ambrose “a good lesson” on his first promotion in Shanghai.
More than 3000 people flooded into the lobby with only a capacity for 500.

When Ambrose began to sing, it was completely out of control.
Police immediately carried him away like a log.
The activity was terminated prematurely in order to prevent a riot.
The promotion was held at a department store in Shanghai.

Starting from 6:30 PM, the line was still endless at 8 PM.
No hope to complete all the signing in a short time, Ambrose decided to sing first.

However, the fans began to push each other.
The glass on the walls was shattered and the wooden gate broken.
It was totally chaotic.
The police forced the activity to cease, stopping all of Ambrose’s activity in Shanghai lest he should cause further commotion.

Saturday, September 11, 2004










Boy: Run A Kindergarten After Dad

(translated by neuro)

Before Ambrose was born, Mr. Hui was cheated by friends and owed a huge debt.
His mother borrowed a small amount of money from the bank and opened a kindergarten.
Mr. Hui soon cleared all his debt and instead, extended the kindergarten to four.

He remembered his father ever told him: “Don’t be afraid of failure.
Try your best, and you will make it.”When he came to Taiwan, he used the credit card of his father.

Mr. Hui gave him money frequently.
“He won’t give me much, but I am never short of money.”

Some time ago his parents gave him NT$30000 (1000 USD), but he returned it and said, “No need to give me money! I still have some and I can make my own living.”
His father was happy and contented.
He noted that Ambrose becomes more mature, and is no more the need-to-be-attended boy before.

Ambrose was under rigorous financial control by his management company.
They opened two bank accounts for him, one for major income and the other for some supplementary earnings that he can use as he wishes, buying something like sneakers or sunglasses.

This is fully supported by Mr. Hui, who hopes Ambrose have his own property even if someday he is not in this entertainment field anymore.

Ambrose himself makes a big wish, “I will save money from now on, and run a chained kindergarten in the future, as Dad had done before!”


(translated by fanyicho)








Thursday, September 09, 2004


許爹地寵許紹洋 他小時候家裡很窮 發誓要讓仔幸福



Mr Hui loves Ambrose, He was from a poor family so he would do anything for Ambrose’s happiness.

(translated by neuro)

“Dad seldom praised me; however, I know that he will always give me chances when I fail!” said Ambrose.

His father never says something “sweet”, even though Ambrose has some achievements now in Taiwanese entertainment.

“But I know he is very proud of me! It is just that he never speaks it out.”

Ambrose said that his father was penurious in childhood, not mention to have any hobbies.

Once his father saw a football and he liked it very much.

He waited for long and no one showed up.

So he started playing the ball. However, the owner came and his father was beaten badly.

Mr. Hui swore at that time he would let his own children have whatever they want, if he can afford.


(translated by fanyicho)







Wednesday, September 08, 2004


秀TABO 超迷戀卡通 商品多到可以開專賣店

許紹洋這才開心的介紹架上的各式禮物,當然少不了他最愛的TABO 卡通人物。
歌迷知道他喜歡,送他許多 TABO 造型商品,包括 TABO 小電扇、抱枕、鑰匙圈、手帕、信封信紙、貼紙和手機吊飾…東西多得足以開間 TABO 專賣店。

他自己還有個 TABO隨身小藥盒,陽剛的大男生竟會「迷戀」卡通人物,身邊同事都覺得匪夷所思。


How He Loves TABO, To the Extent of Opening A Store

(translated by neuro)

Now Ambrose happily showed us the gifts he had, of course with his best love---TABO, a Japanese cartoon product.

And his fans know this only too well: they send him everything TABO, like electric fans, pillows, key rings, handkerchief, envelopes, letter sheets, decoration of cell phone, to the extent that a TABO store is almost ready at hand.

He had a small TABO case for medicine with him.
Why is a macho guy like him so crazy about this cartoon logo?
None of his staff and partners knows.

And there is a set of handle and clutches next to the tea table in the living room.

Ambrose laughed that he loves racing, yet he has no time during the rise of his entertainment career. He can only play video games at home instead.

In the future, he wishes to have a race with Chih-Yin Lin, another artist famous for loving racing.


(translated by fanyicho)

ファンは安君が大好きだということを知っているので、あらゆる種類の たあ坊君関連グッズを贈ってくれます。



Tuesday, September 07, 2004

看房間 滿滿收藏品 哇!200雙鞋、300副墨鏡


許紹洋熱中收集限量球鞋和太陽眼鏡,目前有 200 雙球鞋(這可不包括他美國家中的「庫存」)、300 副太陽眼鏡,許爸爸幫他的寶貝都找好了「安身之處」。在客廳一角,許爸爸特別買了個架子,把歌迷送給兒子的部分禮物陳列出來,只見許紹洋面有難色:「台灣有地震耶!」許爸爸立即懂了他的意思,「放心!仔,我會幫你收的。」

Rooms: Full of Collections, oh boy! 200 Pairs of Sneakers and 300 of Sunglasses!

(translated by neuro)

With Daddy took everything from moving to buying the furniture, Ambrose didn’t need to care for the most trivial thing.

He joked, “I went to work from my old studio in the morning, and go back to sleep at the new apartment in the evening!”

Daddy arranged everything in this apartment.
Except for their bedrooms, all the rest is spared for Ambrose’s dresses and collections---the gifts from fans, and his sneakers.

Ambrose is a feverish collector of specially designed sneakers and sunglasses, with 200 and 300 pairs of each, respectively, not including what he had at home in New Jersey.

And Daddy had arranged places for his beloved treasures.
He displayed some of the gifts from fans on the shelf in the corner of the living room.

“Here is earthquake in Taiwan, you know?” Ambrose worried.
“No problems! I will settle it down, boy.” Daddy replied immediately.

部屋の中を見回すと・・・おおっコレクションが一杯! スニーカー200足、サングラス300個ですって!

(translated by fanyicho)







Monday, September 06, 2004


進家門 許爸爸歡迎

大談他怎麼幫仔租房子許紹洋是家中獨子,即使他今年己經 26 歲,在父母眼中仍是需要照顧的孩子,喚的依舊是他的小名「仔」。



許爸爸說:「仔怕髒,這棟大樓比較新,看起來也乾淨。」許爸爸和房東討價還價半天,最後租金以 35000 元成交。

Welcome by Daddy Hui at the Door, Proudly Showing Us, How He Found A House for His Boy

(translated by neuro)

Being the only boy in his family, in his parents’ eyes, Ambrose is always a child needing close attention, always a child being nicknamed “boy”, although he is already 26-year-old.

His parents visited him, for the first time, from the United States early this year.
They were shocked by Ambrose’s narrow studio, saying: God! How can one live in a place like this! Daddy asked Ambrose to move, thus they can live together and take care of him next time they come to Taiwan.

Understanding that Ambrose will never seek for a new residence actively, Daddy searched exhaustively in downtown Taipei (the Eastern District), and finally he found an ideal apartment near Ryo Chang Li (Hoping East Rd).

He said, “Ambrose hates dirty houses…this building is new and looks neat.” He rented it at a price of NT$35000, after bargaining with the landlord.


(translated by fanyicho)








Sunday, September 05, 2004


跟許紹洋回家 08/2002

許紹洋從原來只有 10 坪大的斗室,搬進近 40 坪的新家,可以使用的空間比原來足足大4倍。

AT HOME WITH AMBROSE (translated by neuro)

Ambrose Hui has recently moved into a new apartment of around 150 square meters, 4 times larger than his previous small studio.
Although again a rent house, he had already treated it as his home, not only is it comfortable, but also there is parents’ love inside.
We heard that he has a stunningly huge collection of sneakers and sunglasses. How about having a look at it?

安君の自宅にお邪魔しました (translated by fanyicho)


Friday, September 03, 2004

薰衣草: 一個愛與承諾的故事

薰衣草: 一個愛與承諾的故事








LEO想辦法找到以薰著住址,準備對報上造成以薰的困擾say sorry的時候,卻看到小童送以薰回家。



的確,晴川到美國,遭遇家變後,個性整個都變了,他開始不相信人與人之間的真情,正因為如此,他對一切冷感,除了音樂。而LEO 和以薰共有的歲月,是LEO生命中唯一明亮的記憶,只是對這一段往事,他已經很久不能想起,直到他回來台灣。



(translated by neuro)

Lavender: A Story of Love and Promise

With complicated congenital heart disease, Yi-Shun Leung was rather isolated due to poor health.
She could only stay away from all physical exercises.
Only her classmate, Ching-Chuan Chi, cared and protected her from insults of other boys and girls. Their classmates often teased them about their friendship.

Before moving to the United States with his family, Ching-Chuan took Yi-Shun to an abandoned greenhouse, his “secret basement.”
He gave her a lavender bottle and promised to come back. On her twentieth birthday, he will wait for her in their school.

Now Yi-Shun was near twenty and worked in the garden house of a farm.
She learned what lavender meant. That is, waiting for love.

Tung, a sunny boy, was the son of the farmer’s owner and one of Yi-Shun’s closest friends.
He liked Yi-Shun in his heart.
When he learned that Yi-Shun wished to have a glass greenhouse with lavender inside all year around, he determined to help her dream come true.

Yi-Shun heard from her colleagues that an idol star named LEO was going to give a concert called “Searching for My Lavender Lover.”
He was not only handsome but also very talented, and he loved lavender very much.

On the way home, Yi-Shun saw LEO’s poster.
She learned immediately that LEO was Ching-Chuan. But she was not sure if she was the lavender lover he was looking for.

Yi-Shun went to LEO’s concert with Tung, but was prevented from seeing him by LEO’s manager Peter.
Peter would not believe what Yi-Shun said that she was the one LEO was searching.
She could only give Peter the lavender bottle, which was thrown into the trash can at once. Although Yi-Shun kept waiting in the rain, she never saw Ching-Chuan till the end of the concert.

On his way home, LEO suddenly found that he forgot his music script in the make-up room of the concert hall.
Under his insistence, they returned to the concert hall. He searched every corner but failed to find his script.

However, he was surprised by the lavender bottle in the trash can.
LEO rushed outsides only to find a small circle of dry ground in the night drizzle.
He thought it must have been Yi-Shun, who had just left minutes ago.
Under the deliberation of Peter, the news spread by media that LEO missed his childhood lover.

LEO tried to find where Yi-Shun lived.
He wanted to say sorry for all the annoyance the tabloids had brought her.
However, he saw Yi-Shun outside her home with Tung, joking that being LEO’s girlfriend was something to boast of.
Yi-Shun said she would be a princess overnight once she was LEO’s lover.
LEO was deeply hurt by their jokes and drove away silently…

Under the arrangement of Peter, LEO had tea with his fans at the garden where Yi-Shun worked.
Peter summoned Yi-Shun for drinks but Yi-Shun turned her back to avoid being seen by LEO.
Peter was furious and smashed the glasses.
This drew LEO’s attention and finally he saw Yi-Shun, in public.

LEO kissed her unexpectedly and teased her that she must enjoy being his lover very much.
Deeply hurt by LEO’s insult, Yi-Shun splashed on LEO a glass of water.
Their picture was on the cover again.

When renowned godfather of pop music Toshio Komuro visited Taiwan, LEO wished to meet him and recommended his own music.
However, he got a harsh comment.
“It is waste of time to listen to such inanimate and indifferent music.”
Komuro urged LEO to find the one that he would like to cherish in his life.

In fact, Ching-Chuan changed completely after the tragic death of his parents in America.
He did not believe there could be any love and affections in this world.
Except for music, he had no passion for anything.
The only sunny memory in his life was the time when he and Yi-Shun were together.
However, he could not recall it until he came back to Taiwan.

On the other hand, Yi-Shun was stunned by a different Ching-Chuan, who was so far away from what she knew before.

She also knew well that there couldn’t be any story between her and a superstar.
Even so she could not easily forget a man who lived in her heart for more than ten years.

On the street, she protected his posters from being spotted by rain.
LEO evidenced her affections by chance, and their love story was about to dawn.
LEO was upset with what Komuro said about his music.

Yi-Shun tried to help him and sent his demo tapes to the record companies without letting him know.
Unfortunately this news was again revealed by the tabloids, which made LEO very embarrassed.
He stormed on Yi-Shun and told her to disappear before his eyes, forever…
How will their story go?


轉載自許紹洋官方網站, GOGOROCK自由網

許紹洋決定來到華人的音樂寶地-台灣 香港出生的許紹洋,少年時期就和父母一起移居美國紐約,整個求學的過程是在美國完成的。








每首歌都是主打歌 許紹洋的第1張個人專輯6月1日即將發行,對於自己15歲以來立下了成為歌手的夢想,許紹洋希望自己在這第1個起跑點上就能有最好的表現,因此嚴格的要求自己在每一首歌上都要有主打歌的品質。


天生國際背景.三聲帶國.英.粵語一次唱和朴志胤.BEYOND黃貫中合作,美夢成真 特殊的出身背景,使許紹洋自然而然的精通國、英、粵三種語言,在這次即將發行的第一張個人專輯A1中,也決定一次將三種不同感覺的許紹洋一次收錄,因此除了國語歌之外,也分別收錄了一首英文歌和一首粵語歌。

值得一提的是,唱片公司決定英文歌的部份交由許紹洋親自填詞,而許紹洋則挑選了他非常喜歡的韓國女歌手朴志胤的歌曲「TRUE LOVE」來填詞,希望能和朴志胤有更多的合作機會。



主打歌特別訂作歌詞.最深刻的一段愛情回憶.許紹洋笑說要提防身邊工作人員 MTV拍攝真情流露.4度淚灑拍片工作現場.所有人員停機等候心情恢復平靜 個性率直的許紹洋,平日和工作人員相處毫無距離,也常把自己的心情和工作人員分享,錄音前,當工作人員問到他15歲以來最大的夢想就要實現有什麼心情,想不到許紹洋感性的吐露了內心的秘密,專輯發行在即雖然興奮,但是想到為他付出一切的女友已不在身邊,卻不禁感到非常的感傷和遺憾.


如今夢想終於要實現,昔日鼓勵他追夢的女友卻已經不在身邊,想到當時曾對女友許下承諾,””將來一定要讓你站在我身邊和我一起分享所有成功的喜悅”,不禁百感交集。工作人員聽了他這一席心聲深受感動,立刻瞞著他為他訂做了這首[希望你還在],許紹洋拿到歌詞時曾一度抗拒在專輯中收錄這首歌, 因為他覺得這些都是他私人的心情,最後唱片公司說服他,用這首歌作為對前女友的一份禮物,表達自己的感謝和此刻最真實的心情.

不過,他笑說,以後他要小心的提防身邊的工作人員,不能再什麼都不想的就把心裡的祕密全都吐露了。但是更辛苦的還後面,工作人員也以許紹洋自己的故事為腳本發展出浪漫的MTV情節,由於要呈現男女主角共度的甜蜜的一天,拍攝當天從凌晨3:00拍到隔天的凌晨5:00,共拍攝了26小時、12個場景,並且特別請到曾經和許紹洋在「薰衣草」中合作飾演晶晶的同門師妹柯以柔擔任女主角,2人在「薰衣草」中並沒有感情的對手戲,反而在MTV中大談戀愛,由於2人都已是專業的演員,因此拍攝時都有自然而動人的演技. 最不順利的反而是發生在拍攝對嘴時,雖然在拍攝前許紹洋一再提醒自己不要太過激動,但是一旦進入歌詞的情境,就忍不住開始落淚,起初導演金卓還很高興捕捉到歌手真情流露的畫面,但是在連續對嘴4次許紹洋都激動落淚而無法顧及表情,甚至眼睛也因為流淚而發腫,導演只好宣布停機,讓許紹洋休息半小時直到心情平復後才再繼續拍攝,並”拜託”許紹洋不要去想歌詞、不要放感情,才好不容易完成了拍攝工作。離開薰衣草LEO的歌手角色.邁入現實中真正的歌手身份卸下假髮換上短髮的全新造型.許紹洋終於能以真面目示人 許紹洋在「薰衣草」中成功的詮釋了從美國歸台的SUPER STAR「LEO」,但也因此在許多歌迷影迷的印象中,許紹洋始終是長髮的造型,也總是穿著皮衣,帶有強烈叛逆和酷的形象深入人心,雖然這個角色廣獲肯定,但是許紹洋一直很為每次和歌迷見面時都要世時間戴假髮所苦。現在終於發行個人專輯,在造型上,許紹洋唯一的要求就是要「表達真實的許紹洋」,因此在這張專輯中,所有的歌迷終於可以看見許紹洋短髮的本來面貌。

A1: Ambrose’s Very First
Adapted from Ambrose Official Website
Translated by NEURO

Singing, One and the Only Dream Ever Since the Age of Fifteen
Ambrose decided to come to Taiwan, the treasure island of Chinese pop music, only because of words by Andy Lau

Born in Hong Kong, Ambrose Hui moved to New York with his parents at school age, and he completed his education in the United States. As all the adolescents of his age, he began to picture his future ever since fifteen.

Although living in America, he grew up with Cantonese and Chinese pop music.
His favorite artists included Jacky Cheung, Harlem Yu, and Beyond.
He loved singing, and it was during this time he began to bear in his heart a dream of being a singer, only secretively…

“My Future”, too common a topic for school essays, usually fades into childhood remembrances after one grows up and is incorporated into society.

On the contrary, Ambrose got more and more sure of his own dream.
For getting the very first chance, after graduation from college, he decided to return to Hong Kong and was enrolled in an acting training class of China Star, a branch of Emperor Entertainment Group.

Andy Lau, the superstar of Chinese entertainment, by chance got to know Ambrose’s dream of being a singer.
“You should go to Taiwan, if you really love singing.” Encouraged by Lau’s words, Ambrose decided to come to Taiwan, where “people love music and the environment for music is more robust,” as Lau had described it.
Born in Hong Kong, Educated in America, and Rising from Taiwan
He acted as the male lead in Lavender, the champion TV series, and sang the original soundtrack, which was a great hit with a sale of more than 100000 CDs.
In Taiwan, where he was completely unfamiliar with, Ambrose began to tackle the major record companies himself.

There was a long silence before he was almost about to give up.
Then, again by a remarkable chance, he was recommended to Yao, who was the manager of Best Entertainment Agency and had successfully promoted Alex Tu and Yuki Hsu.
Yao decided to make a contract with Ambrose after listening to his demo tapes, and at the same time, another record contract with Rock Music Group.
A dream since the age of fifteen, he seemed ready to start his career as a singer.

Just when he was about to prepare his first album, Ambrose met incidentally in his company Yu-Shan Chen, who was the producer of Sanlih TV and was looking for suitable actors for the TV series Lavender.
So impressed by his international background and macho, sexy looking, she enthusiastically recruited Ambrose as the male lead.

Lavender won the champion from the very start.
Ambrose played the role of LEO, an American singer who extended his career to Taiwan.
This role was so popular that Ambrose rocketed to fame, with more than ten thousand fans enrolled in his official website in a very short time.
Lavender was repeatedly released in various TV channels---three rounds in only two months! Moreover, the original soundtrack in which Ambrose sang the opening theme and others, reached remarkable sales of more than 100000 CDs.
He started his career in TV series all of a surprise, and this start was surprisingly successful.
The Very First of Ambrose Hui----A1
He expects himself high at the very first start, and every song should be his A1 major

The debut album of Ambrose will be released on June 1st.
Dreaming to be a singer from the age of fifteen, he expects high in himself to make a good start. Every song in this album, he meticulously demands, should be taken as an A1 major.
Partly because that this is the first album of Ambrose, and partly because that every song in this CD is of the high quality as first major on side A, the Rock Music Group names this album as “A1”.

International background with Chinese, English and Cantonese tones
Dreams come true! Cooperation with Park Ji Yoon and Paul Huang of Beyond

It is for granted that Ambrose speaks three languages fluently, owing to his unique background. The debut album A1 covers all three different dimensions of Ambrose: in addition to Chinese songs, there is one English and one Cantonese song, respectively.

Moreover, the English lyrics were written by Ambrose himself, based on the policy of the company. He chose True Love by his favorite Korean female artist Park Ji Yoon, and looked forward to future cooperation with her.
Although he was so humble about this work, saying it was tough for a novice like him, he completed the whole lyrics in only three days.
were based on Ambrose’s own love story.
This may be the reason that this song was recorded swiftly yet still emotionally rich.

The Cantonese song Forgotten is produced by Paul Huang, Ambrose’s idol in music.
The record company arranged this cooperation for him.
This song was made in Back Seat 2F, the professional studio special for Beyond in Hong Kong. “Oh! My God…incredible!” Ambrose was so excited to meet his music idol.
Paul Huang gave a high acclaim for Ambrose’s vocal and skills, which made Ambrose more than pleased.
was eager to show his best in face of his idol, and this song was completed perfectly within merely three hours.
Tailor-Made Major Hit with Ambrose’s Dearest Memory of Love
Ambrose joked that he should have an eye on his staffs.
When shooting the music video, he was so moved that the making was withheld for four times because of his tears.

Being frank, straight, and easy to get along with, Ambrose used to share with the staffs feelings in his heart.
On being asked about what he felt before the dawn of the dream since 15 years of age, Ambrose told a secret, to our surprise. Though excited, he felt deep sorrow and regret for his ex-girlfriend, who did everything to help him realize his dream.

Ambrose had a girlfriend before shooting Lavender.
She helped Ambrose send his demo tapes to numerous record companies, and even quit her job and moved to Hong Kong to take care of him, when he was attending the acting training class in China Star.
Finally, when Ambrose got the chance to act in Lavender, she decided to leave him and went back to the United States.
The reason was that she would not like to bring any emotional burden on his career at the very start.
I will share all the happiness with you, till the day when success comes.
This was what Ambrose had promised his girlfriend before.
Now the dream is going to dawn, but he is left alone. The staffs were deeply moved by this story.
Not letting Ambrose know, they made the song Wish You Were Here for him. However, Ambrose once refused to include this personal affair in the album.
Finally he was persuaded to present it to his ex-girlfriend as a remembrance of appreciation and confession.

Maybe I should have an eye on the staffs around me and better not tell them anything in my heart without a second thought, Ambrose joked.
But there was more to this.
His staffs drew romantic plots of MTV based on the same story.
To depict a joyful day shared by the male and female leads, they worked from 3 AM to 5 AM the next day, totally 26 hours and 12 different scenes on filming this MTV.
The female lead was I-Roe Ko, Ambrose’s colleague and also one of the actresses in Lavender. They did not have any love story in Lavender but developed a romance in this film. Their performance was professional, natural, and touching.

However, the toughest part was when Ambrose acted without need to sing.
Although he kept reminding himself of staying calm, he could not help sobbing on imagining the story.
At first the director was glad to get what he thought “the true heart of Ambrose”.
Yet Ambrose cried and the making was repeatedly failed, for four times.
He could not control his emotion and his eyes swore.
They had to withhold and wait for his recovery, asking him to forget the lyrics and refrain his feelings.
Farewell to A Star in Drama and Realize A Singer in Life
Say Goodbye to the LEO-Wig with His Short Haircut

Due to his successful interpretation of the American Super Star LEO in Lavender, Ambrose has been always imagined as long-haired and linked to leather suits.
For many of his fans, he should be tough, wild, and cool.
No matter how successful this character is, wearing the wig is really a torture for Ambrose.

Now he finally has his debut album. His only requirement for the make-up is Uncover the Real Ambrose. In this album, all his fans should learn his short haircut, one aspect of the Real Ambrose.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

許紹洋 A1 專輯裏給歌迷的話

許紹洋 A1 專輯裏給歌迷的話


我曾經很天真的問玻璃[我的專輯企劃]:可不可以在這張專輯裡收錄16-18首歌?玻璃當時回答說:可以啊!但發片日就會DELAY 到年底!

THEN I STARTED THINKING,光是做10首就做了近半年,不行不行,NO WAY MAN,再拖時間我會很怕你們遺忘了我,所以不管你們能不能等,我自己CAN'T WAIT ANY MORE!!!

這張專輯除了國語歌,也唱了1首廣東歌跟1 首英文歌,收錄廣東歌跟英文歌其實是你們給我的想法,我來到台灣後,每天除了密密麻麻工作,最高興的事就是看大家寫給我的信.禮物.我喜歡的TABO^-^.

E-MAIL還有網站上的留言,大家給我的支持和建議我都看到了,所以你們給我的任何一個建議跟希望,只要我能力能做到的我都會盡力去做,我更希望的是你們可以讓我知道你們對這一張專輯的看法,不管是GOOD OR BAD,我都很想知道,這樣子我才能更進步!!!



^-^ 2002 AMBROSE HUI 許紹洋

05/2002 By Ambrose Hui

After such a long time waiting, I realized my dream since the age of fifteen, my dream to be a singer.

Although this is my debut album, I am in a dire greed to sing, singing all kinds of music, singing to people all over the world, to my dear friends, family and, to those who don’t know me…

Too naive, maybe. Once I asked Glass, the program director of my album, if it is possible to include 16 to 18 songs in this single CD? She replied then: Fine! Only if you don’t care that we delay it until the end of the year!

THEN I STARTED THINKING, I spent almost 6 months for merely 10 songs…NO, NO WAY MAN, I am so afraid to be forgotten for further delay.

So no matter you are willing to wait or not, I MYSELF CAN’T WAIT ANY MORE!!!

In this album, besides mandarin songs, there are also one Cantonese and one English, respectively. In fact, it is you that gave me the inspiration to include songs other than mandarin.

My life here in Taiwan is packed with endless work.

What make me happiest are your letters, gifts, my dear TABO ^_^, E-MAIL, and every message you left on my web site. I read every single piece of your support and suggestion.

And I will do my best to meet your expectation. What I really wish to know is your opinions about this album, no matter GOOD OR BAD. I really wish to know, for this is the origin of my future progress.

I am told by my company people that there will be more activities in various places, and I sincerely wish to get hold of each hand of you, who always love and support me.


^-^ 2002 AMBROSE HUI 許紹洋