
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A1曲紹介・・・Hush Lover

Hush Lover
戀人的耳邊細語, 最柔情的許紹洋。

Hush Lover by neuro
The sweetest whisper of lovers, the dearest Ambrose.

Hush Lover/沈黙の恋人/静寂の恋人 by fanyicho

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


由BEYOUND黃貫中親自監製的粵語歌,出人意表的編曲,搖滾和BOSSA NOVA的完美搭配。

Forgotten by neuro
A Cantonese song produced by Paul Huang, the astonishingly refreshing backing is a perfect blend of rock and bossa nova.

忘れてしまったよ by fanyicho

Monday, July 19, 2004


面對逐漸褪色的愛情, 我仍然決定愛你到底, 易家揚填詞, 男人無怨無悔的付出。

Ten Thousand Miles of Love Road by neuro
Even if she has already leaving, I decide to love her all the way…lyrics by Chia-Yang Yi, please learn Ambrose’s dedication for love.

一万里の愛情の道/遥かな愛情の道 by fanyicho

Sunday, July 18, 2004

A1曲紹介・・・Shut Up

Shut Up
徹底爽快徹底發洩徹底吶喊, 新銳作曲小安譜出許紹洋最內在的爆發力。

Shut Up by neuro
Total explosion, complete relief, and outcry from the heart…the new composer Ahn shapes Ambrose’s music dynamite.

Shut Up/黙れ! by fanyicho

Saturday, July 17, 2004

A1曲紹介・・・True Love

True Love

True Love by neuro
Lyrics by Ambrose and music from Park Ji Yoon, this sweet song depicts his reflection for a past love.

True Love/真実の愛 by fanyicho

Friday, July 16, 2004



Love Backwards by neuro
Synchronic recording of vocal and piano backing, it is a complete display of the affection in Ambrose’s voice. With strings specially recorded in Beijing, this is a love theme of remembrance.

愛が消えていく by fanyicho

Thursday, July 15, 2004


嶄新hip-hop風格, 陳子鴻發掘許紹洋最動感的新鮮樣貌。

I Wanna Chase You by neuro
A brand new hip-hop by Zi-Hung Chen, uncovering the most dynamic Ambrose.

君を追いかけて行きたい by fanyicho

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


麻煩替我告訴他, 我依然愛著他, 最深情的許紹洋。

Please Tell Her by neuro
Please tell her that I still love her so…the most affectionate Ambrose.

彼女に伝えて下さい by fanyicho

Tuesday, July 13, 2004



Wish You Were Here by neuro
The deepest memory of Ambrose for his love. At the moment to step on the stage of dream, there is sorrow untold… Read his affectionate heart through his song.

君に戻ってきて欲しい by fanyicho

Monday, July 12, 2004


男人的傷.男人的痛.男人流不出的淚,小剛繼「花香」之後再為許紹洋訂作的男人味情歌,BAND SOUND風味,灑脫的傷感。

Beard by neuro
The hurt, the pain, the tears that a man bears in his heart… After Fragrance, a love song only for men by Chuan-Shiung Chou, with fantastic band sound.

鬚 by fanyicho
男の心の傷、痛み、こらえる涙・・・『花香』の後に許紹洋が再度歌い上げる、男のためのバラード、素敵なBAND SOUNDで 零れ落ちるような哀感を表現しています。

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro
揮別淚水, 美麗人生追求音樂夢想的路上幾經失意挫折, 許紹洋曾經掉過淚嗎?
「嗯…講到家人和支持我的人, 會流眼淚, 若是講到感情那還好。有哭過….哭過就不想再哭了。」哭, 是因為之前一個人在香港孤單奮鬥的日子太久太漫長, 而機會總是和他擦身而過。

「爸爸跟我講過要我放棄, 因為我待得太久了, 整整五年…」而台灣, 看似是他最後一個機會, 竟奇妙地為他打開了未來的大門。

很多人喜歡用「幸運的新人」來稱呼許紹洋, 卻不知道他一直默默地努力準備, 不論是練唱或保持身材, 從未有片刻怠惰鬆懈, 因為他知道, 當黎明趕走黑暗的那一刻到來, 他將會以最美麗的身影, 展現在世人的面前。

by neuro

A Farewell to Tears, and the Sun Also Rises.

On the way of pursuing his dream of music, had he ever shed a tear for the frustrations?
“Well, I had cried on thinking of my family and those who supported me. It’s OK for my past love stories. I don’t want to cry any more.”

It should be tear for the long long waiting with chances passing by, in Hong Kong, where he was all alone.

“Father told me to give it up, because I have waited for five years, too long a time…”
And paradoxically, the door to the future was opened while he came to Taiwan, where he thought was his last chance but he wondered if there were any.

People used to talk about him as “a lucky young man”.

They never saw his endeavors behind, his meticulous demands on singing and body image.

Only he knows that, when the dawn comes, he should show the whole world the most clarion, most brilliant Ambrose.

Monday, July 05, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro

曲風多樣, 勇於嘗試「『薰衣草』中的許紹洋給人的感覺是很深情的, 但是我認為作為一個歌手, 應該要多嘗試不同的方向, 不要只侷限於某種風格, 不然會有點悶。」舉例來說, 粵語歌『忘了』令人耳目一新的Bossa Nova編曲便是其中一例。

Beyond的黃貫中老師是我非常喜歡的一個歌手, 他幫我做的這個backing(編曲)市面上其實不太常見的, 但是很特別, 我很喜歡, 也願意去多方嘗試。

這首情歌不用合成樂器編曲, 卻能展現出華麗的質感。
許紹洋還透露自己也蠻喜歡Jazz風格的曲子, 在現代音樂之都紐約成長的背景, 使他不論是節奏藍調(R&B), 新世紀音樂(New Age), 嬉哈(Hip-Hop), 饒舌(Rap)或搖滾(Rock), 都有涉獵, 也更豐富了他的音樂視野。除了華語音樂之外, 日本的米希亞, 韓國的安七炫和朴志胤都是他相當喜愛的歌手。
專輯中的十首歌, 對情感的要求各自不同, 他又是怎麼看待的呢?
像『鬍渣』這首歌, 唱起來要Man-一點, 而『麻煩告訴他』雖然是抒情歌, 但是是屬於比較收斂的, 有感情但不能太激情, 要唱到內在的情緒出來, 我覺得很不容易。

『Hush Lover』又不同; 製作人陳子鴻老師說我這個人唱歌比較容易激動, 因為我喜歡那種power很大的感覺, 但是這首歌要唱得很輕, 有點甜甜的。

情歌的詮釋讓歌迷如癡如醉的許紹洋, 唱起專輯裡搖滾風的『Shut Up』, 充滿黑夜狂飆的野性, 而『我想追趕你』當中, 除了變化多端的節奏感以外, 更加入了Rap。不能不提的是, 『True Love』, 『愛情倒退』和『希望你還在』分別用了許紹洋刻骨銘心的三段戀情, 唱起來心中的滋味可想而知了!在下一張專輯當中, 除了嘗試不同的音樂元素外, 許紹洋也期待能有更多自己的創作。

謙稱填寫『True Love』英文歌詞是一大挑戰的他, 出人意表地希望填中文的歌詞。
「我知道我的中文能力不是太好, 但是因為從小就聽國語歌, 希望可以嘗試看看。」
不過他也承認, 「當創作歌手的壓力很大, 因為隨時要有靈感。」

by neuro

Versatile Rather Than Stereotyped, He Asked for Even More Trials“People were impressed by my affectionate image in Lavender.

To be a singer, however, I should try more styles. I don’t want to be confined to some stereotype lest it should be dull.
This was exemplified by the innovative arrangement of Bossa Nova in Forgotten.
I appreciated Paul Huang very much. This backing is not so common, but it is unique and I love it. I like to try something different.”

Another example was the piano backing of Love Backwards.
Without any computer arrangement, this song was astonishingly brilliant. Ambrose revealed that he loved jazz too.

Growing up in New York, the center stage of modern music, Ambrose had extensive experiences with R&B, new age, hip-hop, rap, and rock, which broadened further his perspectives.

Beside Chinese music, he also loved the music by Japanese singer Misia and Korean singers Kangta Ahn Chil-Hyun and Park Ji Yoon.

There were various emotional requirements for the 10 songs in the album.
“For example, you have to be somewhat man-like with the Beard, and for Please Tell Her, you should be more introspective instead, affectionate rather than agitated. It’s challenging to express the feeling inside.”

”However, it is a different case with Hush Lover; producer Chen said that I am somewhat agitated while singing---I like being powerful---yet you should be very soft and sweet with this song.”

Ambrose had already enchanted his fans with love songs. Now he could even be wild and sexy in the rock song Shut Up.
And he brought rap to I Wanna Chase You, further enriching its colorful rhythms.

Worth special remark were the three love songs, True Love, Love Backwards, and Wish You Were Here, based respectively on his three unforgettable love stories.

You could be curious about what’s on his mind when singing them.
For the next album, Ambrose wished to write songs, in addition to experiment on the styles.
He was rather humble on being asked about the lyrics of True Love, and he said he would like to try Chinese lyrics in the future.

“I know my Chinese is not good enough. But I have been listening to mandarin songs since childhood, and I wish I could give it a try.”

But he also admitted,
“Being a creative singer, there must be great stress. You have to have inspiration any time, anywhere.”

Sunday, July 04, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro

不鳴則已, 一鳴驚人, 完美主義, 律己從嚴許紹洋的音樂初試啼聲之作『薰衣草』原聲帶, 在銷售和口碑上都有極佳的成績, 其中廣受好評的「幸福的瞬間」, 讓許多人驚訝於他偶像外表下的演唱實力。原作曲者小剛(周傳雄)創作此曲時正值婚期將近, 滿心甜蜜的幸福感, 在許紹洋深情投入的演繹下, 得到了極致的發揮, 連小剛本人聽過後都為之陶醉不已。

雖然這是他第一次進錄音室的作品, 他也笑稱緊張到腦海中一片空白, 然而卻不見半點新人的生澀。其實許紹洋的國語仍有著香港口音, 但他唱起國語歌不僅字正腔圓, 感情的掌握也是分毫不差, 怎麼辦到的呢? 「和廣東歌比起來, 我比較喜歡國語歌, 因為廣東話的音調比較硬, 而國語的尾音可以很漂亮地帶過去, 表現出不同的感覺。」

話雖如此, 在第一張個人專輯『A1』中所收錄的粵語歌『忘了』, 讓很多人對許紹洋圓熟的演唱技巧刮目相看, 包括這首歌的製作人, Beyond的主唱黃貫中。

不斷地琢磨, 不放鬆的嚴格要求自己, 就是許紹洋征服聽眾的秘訣。雖然是第一張專輯, 『A1』表現出的風格卻十分多樣, 從抒情到搖滾, 從Hip-Hop到R&B, 變化繁複, 甚至連語言都有三種, 對於一個新人而言, 要一口氣掌握這麼多東西, 會不會有很大的壓力? 「會啊! 這張專輯比預定晚了許久才發片, 因為我對自己的要求很高, 希望做到完美。本來還要再做更多的, 但是實在delay太久了, 我不想讓歌迷等太久。」在錄製『薰衣草』原聲帶時, 小剛就形容他「對很多東西都很care, 是一個很認真的新人」。

by neuro

Meticulous Demand Towards Perfection, The Surprise Came as No WonderThe original soundtrack of Lavender, Ambrose’s debut in music, was a huge success both in sales and critics.

Especially in the highly acclaimed The Instant of Happiness, people were surprised his capability behind the gorgeous idol face.

The composer Chuan-Hsiung Chou was about to get married when writing this song. The mood of happiness and blessing was perfectly depicted by Ambrose’s affectionate interpretation.

Even Chou himself was deeply enchanted. Although this was the first time Ambrose sang in the studio, although he joked he got his brain blank due to nervousness, he was actually not green at all.To be true, Ambrose still spoke Chinese with Cantonese accent.

But he displayed a beautiful vocal with accurate control of emotion when singing mandarin songs. That’s the most intriguing part.
“Compared with Cantonese, I like mandarin songs better. The accent of Cantonese is rigid, but that of mandarin is more soft and can be swiftly sung, with more delicate colors.”

However, many were still impressed by his skillful performance in Forgotten, the only one Cantonese song in his debut album A1, including the producer of this song Paul Huang, vocal of Beyond.

The answer to this paradox is relentless and meticulous self-demands.Being the debut album, A1 displayed stunningly diversified styles, from love songs to rock, from hip-hop to R&B, not to mention the three different languages included.

Would there be any stress for a novice to master all these things at one time? “Of course there is.

This album had been greatly delayed by my high criteria on myself.
I wish it to be perfect.
I would have done more but I don’t want to keep my fans waiting.
” This is also the impression of Chou, the producer of Lavender OST, who described Ambrose as “care everything and work very hard, as a newcomer.”

Saturday, July 03, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro

熱愛歌唱, 此生不渝, 阿倫華仔是啟蒙恩師在談論音樂的時候, 許紹洋出奇的沉著冷靜, 不同於電視劇中的酷帥或上綜藝節目的活潑好動。也許, 這才是最真實的許紹洋。

他形容自己是一個不太愛說話, 個性有點悶的人, 從來做事缺乏耐心, 唯有對歌唱始終不離不棄, 讓音樂抒發他內心的情感。

「小時候爸爸買了一台卡拉OK機, 我覺得有趣, 常常跟著唱。」沒想到這一唱, 唱出了他和音樂的不解之緣。「我在美國的時候, 每天都要唱上兩個小時才滿足。」這個練唱的好習慣, 不曾因為軋戲有多忙而有一天中斷過, 直到現在。能夠這樣持續不斷努力而闖出一片成績, 許紹洋笑說, 是自己人生中最值得自豪的事。
為了把歌唱好, 他會不斷地嘗試各種不同的唱功和唱法, 甚至一字字, 一句句地仔細研究。

「我最早聽的是譚詠麟的歌。」這個音樂上的啟蒙者, 一直到現在對許紹洋來說, 都還有著無法被取代的意義。有一回他上廣播節目時透露, 他最想找而遍尋不得的, 就是譚詠麟的『愛情陷阱』。

不過他的偶像, 首推劉德華。許紹洋說還在唸書的時候他就很喜歡劉德華, 不僅模仿他的穿著, 也期許自己像他那樣努力。

「剛開始的時候很多人批評他不懂唱歌, 不會跳舞, 可是後來他都一一做到了, 我真的很佩服他!」因著拍攝電影的機緣, 許紹洋見到了劉德華, 也從他身上學到了很多在演藝圈待人處世的寶貴經驗, 後來更因為劉德華的一句話, 讓他來到台灣, 而找到了苦等多時的機會。

by neuro

Born to Sing, Sing to Live, With Alan and Andy as His MentorsFar from his cool images in dramas or outgoing personality in variety shows, Ambrose was unusually calm when talking about music.

Perhaps this was closest to the real Ambrose. He described himself as introspective and lacking patience.

The only thing lingering in his heart was singing, in which he could show his feelings and emotions.

“My father bought a Kara-Oke when I was still a child. It caught my eyes and I sang very often.”
He never thought that he was tied up closely with music, from then on.
“I would never be contented unless singing for at least two hours everyday, when I was in America.”
Ambrose keeps training himself by this way, no matter how preoccupied by the dramas.

He remarked, with a smile, that this should be the proudest thing in his life---to stick to his dream and finally make some achievements.

To reach perfection, he tried every way to improve his vocal and skills further, word by word, sentence by sentence.

“At the beginning I listened to songs by Alan Tam.”
Alan was Ambrose’s mentor in pop music, and still remains unique for him.

Ambrose revealed once in a radio program that he was in a dire wish to get Alan’s The Trap of Love but couldn’t find it.

His idol, however, is Andy Lau.
Ambrose liked Andy very much since school age.
He dressed after Andy and wished to be as devoted a singer as he is.
“Initially people criticized his singing and dance, but he made it anyway.
I do admire him a lot!” By chance of co-working in a movie, Ambrose met Andy, and learned from him many valuable experiences for entertainment career.

Moreover, he was persuaded by Andy to come to Taiwan, where the chance he had been longed for was finally available.

Friday, July 02, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003

這篇特稿是綜合了安在不同節目與雜誌中有關音樂的談話, 希望讓大家更了解他的音樂世界。雖然許紹洋俊帥的外型擔綱偶像劇的男主角可說當之無愧, 而他在電視劇『薰衣草』和電影『秋天日記』也有相當出色的表現, 但是在心裡, 他一直都是以「歌手」作為對自己的期許。即使現在的他因為戲劇而廣受矚目, 這個想法也不曾改變過。最明顯的例子, 是在他為長榮航空機上音樂節目作自我介紹時, 他說: 「我是Ambrose 許紹洋, 是從美國來台灣發展的一個歌手。」

The Music Wonderland of Ambrose 02/2003
By Neuro

This special review is made from various radio programs and magazine interviews on Ambrose regarding his music.

I hope it could serve as a gate to gain access to his music world.

With his handsome looking, Ambrose Hui fits very well into the male lead of contemporary idol dramas.

And indeed he did a remarkable job in TV series Lavender and the movie An Autumn Diary.

However, he always expects himself to be a singer.

He never changes this idea even though he is now highly acclaimed in pop dramas.

This is illustrated by his self-introduction in a music program on EVA Airline.
“I am Ambrose Hui, a singer coming to Taiwan from the United States.” He said.