
Saturday, July 03, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro

熱愛歌唱, 此生不渝, 阿倫華仔是啟蒙恩師在談論音樂的時候, 許紹洋出奇的沉著冷靜, 不同於電視劇中的酷帥或上綜藝節目的活潑好動。也許, 這才是最真實的許紹洋。

他形容自己是一個不太愛說話, 個性有點悶的人, 從來做事缺乏耐心, 唯有對歌唱始終不離不棄, 讓音樂抒發他內心的情感。

「小時候爸爸買了一台卡拉OK機, 我覺得有趣, 常常跟著唱。」沒想到這一唱, 唱出了他和音樂的不解之緣。「我在美國的時候, 每天都要唱上兩個小時才滿足。」這個練唱的好習慣, 不曾因為軋戲有多忙而有一天中斷過, 直到現在。能夠這樣持續不斷努力而闖出一片成績, 許紹洋笑說, 是自己人生中最值得自豪的事。
為了把歌唱好, 他會不斷地嘗試各種不同的唱功和唱法, 甚至一字字, 一句句地仔細研究。

「我最早聽的是譚詠麟的歌。」這個音樂上的啟蒙者, 一直到現在對許紹洋來說, 都還有著無法被取代的意義。有一回他上廣播節目時透露, 他最想找而遍尋不得的, 就是譚詠麟的『愛情陷阱』。

不過他的偶像, 首推劉德華。許紹洋說還在唸書的時候他就很喜歡劉德華, 不僅模仿他的穿著, 也期許自己像他那樣努力。

「剛開始的時候很多人批評他不懂唱歌, 不會跳舞, 可是後來他都一一做到了, 我真的很佩服他!」因著拍攝電影的機緣, 許紹洋見到了劉德華, 也從他身上學到了很多在演藝圈待人處世的寶貴經驗, 後來更因為劉德華的一句話, 讓他來到台灣, 而找到了苦等多時的機會。

by neuro

Born to Sing, Sing to Live, With Alan and Andy as His MentorsFar from his cool images in dramas or outgoing personality in variety shows, Ambrose was unusually calm when talking about music.

Perhaps this was closest to the real Ambrose. He described himself as introspective and lacking patience.

The only thing lingering in his heart was singing, in which he could show his feelings and emotions.

“My father bought a Kara-Oke when I was still a child. It caught my eyes and I sang very often.”
He never thought that he was tied up closely with music, from then on.
“I would never be contented unless singing for at least two hours everyday, when I was in America.”
Ambrose keeps training himself by this way, no matter how preoccupied by the dramas.

He remarked, with a smile, that this should be the proudest thing in his life---to stick to his dream and finally make some achievements.

To reach perfection, he tried every way to improve his vocal and skills further, word by word, sentence by sentence.

“At the beginning I listened to songs by Alan Tam.”
Alan was Ambrose’s mentor in pop music, and still remains unique for him.

Ambrose revealed once in a radio program that he was in a dire wish to get Alan’s The Trap of Love but couldn’t find it.

His idol, however, is Andy Lau.
Ambrose liked Andy very much since school age.
He dressed after Andy and wished to be as devoted a singer as he is.
“Initially people criticized his singing and dance, but he made it anyway.
I do admire him a lot!” By chance of co-working in a movie, Ambrose met Andy, and learned from him many valuable experiences for entertainment career.

Moreover, he was persuaded by Andy to come to Taiwan, where the chance he had been longed for was finally available.


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