
Sunday, July 04, 2004


洋腔洋調談音樂 02/2003 哈洋記者Neuro

不鳴則已, 一鳴驚人, 完美主義, 律己從嚴許紹洋的音樂初試啼聲之作『薰衣草』原聲帶, 在銷售和口碑上都有極佳的成績, 其中廣受好評的「幸福的瞬間」, 讓許多人驚訝於他偶像外表下的演唱實力。原作曲者小剛(周傳雄)創作此曲時正值婚期將近, 滿心甜蜜的幸福感, 在許紹洋深情投入的演繹下, 得到了極致的發揮, 連小剛本人聽過後都為之陶醉不已。

雖然這是他第一次進錄音室的作品, 他也笑稱緊張到腦海中一片空白, 然而卻不見半點新人的生澀。其實許紹洋的國語仍有著香港口音, 但他唱起國語歌不僅字正腔圓, 感情的掌握也是分毫不差, 怎麼辦到的呢? 「和廣東歌比起來, 我比較喜歡國語歌, 因為廣東話的音調比較硬, 而國語的尾音可以很漂亮地帶過去, 表現出不同的感覺。」

話雖如此, 在第一張個人專輯『A1』中所收錄的粵語歌『忘了』, 讓很多人對許紹洋圓熟的演唱技巧刮目相看, 包括這首歌的製作人, Beyond的主唱黃貫中。

不斷地琢磨, 不放鬆的嚴格要求自己, 就是許紹洋征服聽眾的秘訣。雖然是第一張專輯, 『A1』表現出的風格卻十分多樣, 從抒情到搖滾, 從Hip-Hop到R&B, 變化繁複, 甚至連語言都有三種, 對於一個新人而言, 要一口氣掌握這麼多東西, 會不會有很大的壓力? 「會啊! 這張專輯比預定晚了許久才發片, 因為我對自己的要求很高, 希望做到完美。本來還要再做更多的, 但是實在delay太久了, 我不想讓歌迷等太久。」在錄製『薰衣草』原聲帶時, 小剛就形容他「對很多東西都很care, 是一個很認真的新人」。

by neuro

Meticulous Demand Towards Perfection, The Surprise Came as No WonderThe original soundtrack of Lavender, Ambrose’s debut in music, was a huge success both in sales and critics.

Especially in the highly acclaimed The Instant of Happiness, people were surprised his capability behind the gorgeous idol face.

The composer Chuan-Hsiung Chou was about to get married when writing this song. The mood of happiness and blessing was perfectly depicted by Ambrose’s affectionate interpretation.

Even Chou himself was deeply enchanted. Although this was the first time Ambrose sang in the studio, although he joked he got his brain blank due to nervousness, he was actually not green at all.To be true, Ambrose still spoke Chinese with Cantonese accent.

But he displayed a beautiful vocal with accurate control of emotion when singing mandarin songs. That’s the most intriguing part.
“Compared with Cantonese, I like mandarin songs better. The accent of Cantonese is rigid, but that of mandarin is more soft and can be swiftly sung, with more delicate colors.”

However, many were still impressed by his skillful performance in Forgotten, the only one Cantonese song in his debut album A1, including the producer of this song Paul Huang, vocal of Beyond.

The answer to this paradox is relentless and meticulous self-demands.Being the debut album, A1 displayed stunningly diversified styles, from love songs to rock, from hip-hop to R&B, not to mention the three different languages included.

Would there be any stress for a novice to master all these things at one time? “Of course there is.

This album had been greatly delayed by my high criteria on myself.
I wish it to be perfect.
I would have done more but I don’t want to keep my fans waiting.
” This is also the impression of Chou, the producer of Lavender OST, who described Ambrose as “care everything and work very hard, as a newcomer.”


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