
Tuesday, August 24, 2004


藝人許紹洋張燊悅孤島拍戲兩週還是不來電 07/2002


結合台、港新生代偶像的「秋天日記」,號稱浪漫電影「流氓大亨」後傳。他笑說:“那是很久的電影了,我有看過,雖說我拍著的這部電影是延續篇,但絕對不能與周潤發相比。我們只要演好自己的部份,盡了力就好。” 許紹洋表示,當初知道要和張燊悅合作時,心情很緊張,因為聽說她很跩,但見到面後,發現張燊悅其實很可愛、率真。張燊悅表示許紹洋笑起來很可愛,但在戲裡他是飾演一位很酷的男孩。有趣的是, 在戲中許紹洋常常罵張燊悅, 但是下戲後反而是因為許紹洋喜歡花錢亂買東西, 而常常挨張燊悅的罵, 兩個人成了愛吵架的好朋友。

一聽到張燊悅用「親密」字眼,近來深受緋聞影響的許紹洋立刻笑說「會不會明天我們又被傳緋聞?」對於媒體指稱許紹洋想追回在「薰衣草」中合作過的陳怡蓉,而陳怡蓉方面感到很生氣,對此報導,許紹洋說「氣到吃不下飯」。 後來他和陳怡蓉說清楚講明白,因為報導內容是傳達上的失誤,兩人仍然是朋友,他回台灣後,也會與陳怡蓉繼續進行廣告代言的工作。

(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Nicola: No Chemistry Beyond the Diary 07/2002

An Autumn Diary, the first movie-made-for-TV by Star Group, was finished shooting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

In a phone interview by Taiwanese media, both leading actors Ambrose Hui and Nicola Cheung said there was no love chemistry between them, even though they were together on a small island for two weeks. However, they had become good friends with each other.

Led by new idol stars of Taiwan and Hong Kong, An Autumn Diary is a tribute to the classic romance An Autumn’s Tale.

“I had watched it before, but I don’t think I can rival Chow Yun Fat. What I have to do is to try my best.”
Ambrose said he was very nervous when he knew he had to work with Nicola, because Nicola was said to be proud and nasty.

Nevertheless, he found she was actually cute and forthright.
Nicola said that Ambrose had a cherubic smile, but he was very cool in the movie. In this movie Ambrose denigrated Nicola very often.
When they did not shoot the movie, it was reversed: Nicola reprobated Ambrose for his lavish habits. They became friends in squabbles.

Nicola said that they were very “intimate” on the small island for shooting this movie. However, there was no chemistry.

On hearing about her description, Ambrose, who was so troubled with the rumors, joked, “Will there be any rumors about us tomorrow?”

Some reports said that Tammy Chen (Lavender) was furious when Ambrose announced that he wished to win her back.
Ambrose said, “As for these reports, I am too angry to eat anything!”

He clarified later with Tammy that there were some misunderstandings in the interview.
They are still friends and would collaborate further in a CF for an online game after he comes back to Taiwan.


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