
Monday, August 23, 2004


他為她整髮, 她拉他合照…許紹洋 陳怡蓉 和好啦 02/2003

俗話說「冤家宜解不宜結」, 這句話用在許紹洋和陳怡蓉這對互有心結的螢幕情侶身上再適合不過!

半年來兩人始終擦身而過, 儘管這幾天兩度在機場巧遇也無話可說, 昨日兩人同為電玩代言, 終於有機會再聚首, 兩人在後台聊天時, 許紹洋不自覺地用手幫陳怡蓉順了一下頭髮, 陳怡蓉也沒有迴避, 陳怡蓉應媒體要求前去拍照時, 也不忘順手拉許紹洋一道, 看來兩人似乎已經盡釋前嫌。

前年一齣偶像劇「薰衣草」, 許紹洋和陳怡蓉的生死戀讓fans回味無窮, 兩人成了登對的螢幕情侶, 拍戲時也爆出兩人若有似無的情愫, 惹出緋聞話題。

去年六月, 許紹洋在一場記者會上, 果真自曝與陳怡蓉曾經來電, 互有好感並且交往, 不過卻遭陳怡蓉翻臉否認, 表明兩人只是朋友, 陳怡蓉的經紀人還氣得跳腳大罵許紹洋炒新聞。

螢幕情侶從此埋下心結, 分道揚鑣, 雙方都不希望再和對方的名字扯在一起, 連號稱「薰衣草」的續集「花香番外篇」, 兩人都不再合作, 從此形同陌路。

但「新台幣」終究把兩人再度牽在一起, 去年八月兩人為電玩遊戲拍攝廣告再扮情人後, 至今半年兩人未再見面, 這段期間宣傳活動屢屢發生王不見后的尷尬狀況, 有陳就沒許, 有許就沒陳, 心結之說更加甚囂塵上。

正所謂「山水有相逢」, 五天內兩人竟碰到三次, 本月十九日許紹洋正要離開廣州, 陳怡蓉則要去廣州, 兩人就這樣在廣州機場巧遇, 更巧的是, 兩天後兩人二度在香港機場巧遇, 只不過雙方都忙著趕飛機, 只匆匆打個招呼。

直到昨天兩人才有機會好好地聊, 互問對方近況, 陳怡蓉還特別強調: 「很好啊! 我們沒有不和!」且故意伸手和許紹洋握手, 許紹洋忍不住笑出來, 拍了一下陳怡蓉的手說: 「又沒怎樣啦!」友情似乎又恢復了。
雖然兩人誤會盡釋, 不過再度合作演情侶卻是機會渺茫, 「薰衣草」導演劉俊傑下一齣戲「星願」雖然找回老搭檔陳怡蓉出任女主角, 但這次和她譜戀曲的人將換成張天霖。

(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Tammy Resumed Their Friendship 02/2003

Ever since the rumors that they were once lovers, Ambrose Hui and Tammy Chen hardly showed up in the same circumstance in the past 6 months.

There remained no interaction even though they happened to meet in the airports twice during the past one week.

Yesterday when they collaborated for promotion of the online game RO in Taipei Game Show, however, they seemed to resume their friendship.

In the backstage, Ambrose helped Tammy with her hair, and Tammy walked hand in hand with Ambrose for photography by the media.

Fans were so crazy and intoxicated by their affectionate romance in idol drama Lavender that Ambrose and Tammy were considered the perfect couple on screen.

During shooting of this TV series, their intrigue friendship brought about rumors on their love affairs.

It was reported that in one press conference last June, Ambrose admitted their fondness of each other and they had once dated.

Nevertheless, it was denied fiercely by Tammy; she emphasized that Ambrose was just her friend. The manager of Tammy also accused Ambrose of spreading the rumors, while Ambrose defended that they misunderstood what he meant.

There began their discontent for each other. In Lavender Special, which was said to succeed Lavender, the female lead was Rainie Yang rather than Tammy.

They collaborated in last August for an online game, and again they were lovers in this CF. However, when attending promotion activities, they didn’t always show up together.

This exacerbated the rumors on their discontent.

Surprisingly, after being apart for almost half a year, they met three times recently during one week.

Ambrose left Guangzhou on Feb 19 while Tammy arrived, and they met in the airport.
Two days later they met again in Hong Kong airport. They did not have a good chat, however, due to the tight flight schedule.

It was not until the Taipei Game Show did they have chance to talk.

Tammy emphasized, “We are fine! No discontent at all!” She deliberately shook hands with Ambrose.
Ambrose burst into laughter and tapped off her hand, saying, “Why shaking hands since there is no discontent?” It seemed that their friendship revived.

Although the misunderstanding was gone, there was few chance for them to have romance on screen again.

In the next TV series by the director of Lavender Liou, Wishing on the Stars, Tammy will have her love story with Tien-Lin Chang rather than Ambrose.


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