
Thursday, August 26, 2004


許紹洋、林心如談情說愛不來電 03/02/2003

林心如和許紹洋在大陸廣州的一個國小操場上公然牽手談戀愛?這到底是怎麼回事?原來兩人為大陸運動鞋代言拍廣告,劇情不但要他們談情說愛,還要他們和七、八十人共跳街舞,只可惜氣氛這麼好,兩人還是擦不出火花。 因偶像劇「薰衣草」一炮而紅打入內地,許紹洋在內地人氣漸旺,這次應內地廠牌之邀,與玉女林心如聯手代言,為運動鞋拍廣告。







(translated by neuro)

Ambrose and Ruby Danced into A Romance 03/2003

Witnessed hand in hand at one elementary school in Guangzhou, China, Ruby Lin and Ambrose Hui fell for each other? Wait a minute.

They were just shooting a CF of sneakers.

In addition to the romantic plot, they will have to dance on the street with more than 70 people. The condition should be optimal. However, there is still no chemistry between them.
With his rising popularity in China after the TV series Lavender, Ambrose was invited by a China brand to collaborate with Ruby for their sneaker CF.

This was the first time they cooperated with each other.
In this CF they were made to be a couple.
The romantic episode began with the gorgeous Ambrose dancing brilliantly on a plaza with 70 or 80 fellow dancers. During dancing he happened to notice Ruby, a beautiful but silent girl at the corner.

Ambrose fell for Ruby and invited her to dance with them.
The romantic CF developed such that they were a nice couple.
Under the scene, however, they managed to sit apart without much conversation.
This was a strong contrast to Lavender, when Ambrose and Tammy Chen had a lot of interaction.
It was said in the CF company that Ambrose and Ruby had discontent for each other.

Irene Hsu, the manager of Ambrose, explained that there was absolutely no discontent between them.
She said that Ambrose is introspective and not good at chatting with others actively.
Ruby looked tired during the shooting, so they had did not talk to each other.

With the rocketing popularity of Lavender in China, Ambrose and Tammy are now the new idols for the young generation.
They had been to Guangzhou several times for promotion.
Ambrose was soon invited by a Chinese producer to shoot the TV series Streetlamp.

This year he will spend half of his time in China.
Now he is shooting the TV series Dolphin Bay Lovers for SET TV.
Ambrose will fly to China in May for promoting Streetlamp and his CF.


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